Ginge's Travels
Good morning, and welcome to (most probably) my last journal entry! It's sad, but I can't wait to see all of you and tell you personally about this trip! It's 8.30am right now, and we're leaving to catch our plane to Bangkok at 1.30pm today. I, however, have been up since 5.30am as (like I said in the last entry) we were going to go and cross the harbour bridge in order to watch the sunrise over Sydney. After the alarm went off, however, Mountford decided he didn't want to go, and I ended up trekking the long journey across Sydney city alone with all the nutcases that are out at that time! To be fair, he isn't feeling well as he's got some wierd cold or something. Anyway, I walked and walked and walked until eventually I got to the bridge, right the way across the city and got some awesome 6am pics of the opera house and the bridge. I've just put them up and I think they pretty much speak for themselves! After that I sat with my legs hanging over the pier for a while, sucking in the views and slowly trundled back to the hostel, kindly buying Mountford a mud-muffin on the way for his breakfast! I think we're both looking forward to seeing Bangkok and buying some cheap stuff, but other than that, we're just gonna chill out today and enjoy our last few hours in this amazing country. If I can get to a computer, I'll be sure to add another postcard when I get to Bangkok and maybe some pics if I have time, but other than that... peace to everyone, and I'll see you all soon. Ginge x
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