Gerard's Travels
Ahoy 'thar me hearties! I woke up this mornin' ta' the sounds 'o cannons bein' fired n' man o' fortune voices 'ore the PA around Albert Dock below - turns out 'thar were a massive man o' fortune festival goin' on all around the dock! Ta' celebrate, I'll be attempting ta' blabber man o' fortune in me blog today, yay! (For those not wanting ta' read man o' fortune, I'll also post a full transcript minus man o' fortune blabber as well) For those totally confused (as I were) about where I ended me yarn last night, allow me ta' explain: I woke up a little earlier this mornin', n' spied Luke charging ahoys phone as he needed battery ta' get in contact wit Brennan ta' get back ta' ahoys hotel. Observin' him 'thar didn't worry me; after all I spied him last night in bed when I got in, so I knew he had stayed. But that got me rekoning; if I left the nightclub ages before him n' Daniel, 'ow the fek' were he already in bed when I got in the door? I were really confused, it didn't make sense. Once Luke had got in contact wit Brennan, he said ahoys farewells n' headed back ta' ahoys own hotel. Meanwhile, all the while I were laying 'thar trying ta' piece together 'ow on earth he made it back before me last night - I recalled me whole voyage home, n' he were wit Daniel so I knew they wouldn't be as jolly good a navigator home as I were. I had no idea. Relief came later in the mornin' from Daniel wit an explanation. When they got back at about 4:30am, Daniel tried ta' go ta' the bathroom. But the door were locked. Turns out I'd passed out on the toilet when I got home at about 2:30am, n' Daniel had ta' bash at the door ta' wake me. Ah parrot poo, what a night. While I recall observin' Luke in Daniel's bed when I left the toilet (although rekoning I'd just walked in the door), I canny even recall observin' Daniel when I must've left it! Shiver me timbers. N' Daniel don't even know 'ow him n' Luke got back ta' the hotel. They could've walked, but he has a sneaking suspicion that they paid a taxi driver like £25 (basically $50) ta' take 'em on a five minute voyage, because they didn't wanna stroll. With that cleared up, I can now continue on wit the day's events! Needless ta' blabber, 'twas a slow begin this mornin' for Daniel n' I! Father got up early, went for mornin' meal, came n' checked on us, then headed off ta' look at The Beatles Museum just down the road. Liverpool be full 'o Beatles landmarks, as this be the city where they started. Father were in ahoys element a bit! When he came back, we were still in bed, but we were concious! We decided ta' call that forgotten lass on the other side 'o the world (Mother) ta' see 'ow Maggie were. In the process, we also decided ta' ask 'ow she were too, I guess that's important as well! In truth, we had a jolly good chat wit her n' we're peerin' forward ta' observin' her in a few days sands o' time! After that blabberins we finally started ta' get our day underway. Daniel decided he mightier give the friendly taxi bloke a call ta' arrange the purchase 'o ahoys soccer ticket for Tuesday, while I arranged ahoys extra couple 'o nights accommodation, before we all finally got out n' about! The dock were packed wit gentlemen o' fortune n' little kiddy gentlemen o' fortune n' looked so a right ol' laugh, wit cannons goin' off all the sands o' time, heaps 'o tall ships n' plenty 'o man o' fortune blabber. Aargh! As 'twas close ta' lunchtime already, not ta' mention we were hungover, we were hungry! We found a nice cafe n' ordered some nosh; the most massively high hamburger I'd ever seen! As 'twas a hamburger, 'o course we had ta' match it wit a beer, which didn't go down quite as well as the burger. In fact, Daniel couldn't even get ahoys down! But the burger did reinvigorate us a bit, n' we were ready ta' tackle the rest 'o the day! After mid-day munchins, we went ta' the Liverpool shop, n' Daniel purchased more stuff. After a bit 'o a stroll around, we visited the Liverpool shop, again. The Liverpool shop were next on our agenda after we left it before. Once done 'thar, we were back in the Liverpool store. Spare sands o' time? Liverpool store. I be jolly good lookin' sure I even frikking dreamed about visiting it in me snooze last night! Then I found the Lego shop in the same complex n' we went in. After goin' in 'thar, I be so excited ta' 'av kiddies, n' purchase 'em (me) all the Lego in the world! I canny wait! As 'twas approaching late afternoon, we decided ta' find a pub so that Father could spy ahoys team, Manchester United, play their EPL match wit a bit 'o atmosphere. For jolly good measure, en route we went inta' the Liverpool shop again. By now I rekon Daniel will require a whole cargo plane ta' get ahoys wares home, n' most likely a require ta' remortgage ahoys grand ship ta' afford everything he's purchased. We found a massive sports bar wit an even bigger screen ta' spy the soccer, n' got a beer each ta' torment ourselves n' our livers, although it did go down much mightier than the last one we had. I rekon the day were begining ta' catch up wit me a bit (truthfully I just wanted ta' go n' see the gentlemen o' fortune), so I polished me beer off jolly good lookin' smartly n' decided ta' head back ta' the hotel ta' rest. After a bit 'o a rest, I were just about ta' go out n' 'av a bit 'o a look around the dock when Father n' Daniel arrived back at the hotel, content that Manchester United were leading at halftime. Daniel also wanted a bit 'o a rest so decided ta' stay in, but Father were keen ta' join me for a bit 'o a stroll around so came wit me, he just keeps goin'! I guess that's what happens when ye' don't go out groging till all hours or passing out on toilets! The man o' fortune festival were just wrapping up, but dare I blabber 'thar were still a treasure trove 'o gentlemen o' fortune floating around the area. The most disappointing thing about today 'ere though were the paddle boat swans, that Daniel n' I wanted so badly ta' look all cute in, were closed! We knew it earlier, n' that's part the reason he decided not ta' come wit us; facing it really were a bit devastating. Dad n' I continued along the river for a little while, before returning ta' Albert Dock so Father could 'av a look in a Beatles merchandise store. They really like their merchandise stores 'ere! I left him peerin' in 'thar as I had this mad craving for a chocolate thickshake, n' found a store earlier that sold 'em. I met him back in the quaters where he had the biggest plastic bag I'd ever seen - for a minute I thought he'd done a Daniel n' purchased the whole shop! But all he'd purchased were four individual Beatles coasters, n' must've been too idle ta' carry 'em in ahoys hand (he be getting old ye' know), even though he disputes that n' reckons it's the only sized bag they had. We all had a bit more 'o a rest in the quaters, n' I completed 'nother blog, knowing full well the pressure I were under from me beloved readers. When we all had the gusto, we headed downstairs ta' a restaurant for some evenin' eatings. I rekon for the first sands o' time this voyage, both Daniel n' I didn't 'av a beer at evenin' eatings. N' I had a salad! I swear, I 'av ta' be getting healthier from this voyage so far! After evenin' eatings 'twas back up ta' the quaters, slow key night on the cards, n' getting ready ta' leave because tomorrow, we're London bound! Except Daniel, surely he's only bound ta' get lost!
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