hello sorry i've been slack again, would anyone believe me if i said i've been really busy? no didnt think so! it really is hard work fitting in all those siestas you know!! joking honest! so before you all stop reading this in disgust i should probably say happy christmas and new year i hope you all had a great time and can remember at least a small amount of it?
i'm back in busy dirty manila (i love this place you can tell right!) had a fabulous christmas in a place called port barton (palawan) and even managed to have roast turkey and sainsburys christmas pud!! the place i stayed was run by an old english guy who couldnt possibly have christmas without xmas pud! :o) so ended up spending it with an english family and a crazy american guy very cool day and boxing day we treated ourselves to hiring a boat for island hopping and snorkelling, not really the traditional christmas but great! oh i've missed xmas eve, the staff invited us to there staff party and we did secret santa and played musical chairs (i kid you not) VERY funny night! port barton was stunning and definetly a good place to chill for christmas.
new year was a bit crazier and defo more alcohol involved! was in el nido, still palawan, and spent the night being deafened by fireworks, all being set off by 5 year olds! the apparent game was how close can you throw the firecracker to the westerner! we really do cause no end of entertainment! had a lovely beachside bugalow which had fab views, a pink mozzy net and a flushing toilet! luxury!! ;o)
I officially LOVE palawan, anyone coming in this direction has to come here the people are lovely, the place is relaxing and the island is stunning! col, becks you have to come back here with me one day
Course bit of a drama getting out of palawan, it had to be really didnt it, drama follows me around! all the flights were booked from el nido and obviously not to the ever forward planned moi, so had to get a flight from puerto princessa, which invloved a 7 hour jeepney ride back down the length of palawan again!! well it probably would have been 7 hours if the drive shaft hadnt fallen off, shortly after the tyre punctured!! well over 9 hours after leaving el nido we arrived in puerto! very dirty and very tired!!
so what else .... not alot really, in manila staying in friendlys guesthouse again, run by benji, the craziest guy on the planet, you cant have a conversation with him without being plied with red wine, such a hardship! ;o)
so macau day afer tomorrow, then hong kong and home and its only 16 degrees in hong kong whats with that!!! may need to buy some clothes not sure thai pants and vest tops with be that good, going to have coronary when i get back to london!! mum i advise you to bring a duvet!! ;o)
so guess i should go, oh sorry about the lack of pics i have lots but just cant get them uploaded philippines not quite there on internet front! i'll bore you when i get home and update then!! bet you just cant wait huh! love you all, rosie, aimee hope you both had great first christmas!!!! xx
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