hi from manila! got here yesterday and already i'm getting beach withdrawl! this place is ridiculously busy and the crazy drivers even surpass the thai's!! which is definetly saying something. so planning my escape off to palawan as soon as!
so what have i missed out, oh the party in kk! i was invited to my landladies grandsons 6th birthday party, which was cool and in her village so got a trip out too. was very sureal just me and an australian guy called jimmy that quite literally got grabbed off street as he walked into hostel, bless him he didnt have a clue what was going on! but we got cake!!! and fizzy pop and the kids treated us to a rendition of there school end of term dance as the dad played the video in the background! all very sureal but REALLY nice!
so if anyone finds themselves in kota kinnabalu in the future you definetly want to stay at asia adventure lodges trust me nancy will look after you in the extreme! oh and apparently her birthday is march ... 9th i think she said so trust me go for the cake!!! :o)
anyway apart from discovering i can have a beer and dinner for 68p last night i havent really been up to that much here yet, in my defence i've been here less than 24hrs! you have to pace yourself you know! very important!! ;o) so to everyone lots of love and to liz and andrew i'm thinking of you guys! (liz make sure you give him hell! x joking andrew honestly! ;o)
lots of love gemxxxx
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