The Crazy Adventures of Gemma Jean
Hey there guys!
How you all doing? I'm in Peru now and have finally found a computer that I can get my pics on to. I've managed to add loads more to the Equador photo album so don't forget to check those out as I need you to see the photographic evidence of me canyoning and horseriding. I actually abseiled down a 45 meter waterfall but I didn`t get any photos of it as there was no way they could be taken. I did do it though!
Anyway, before I continue I just want to say a huge congratulations to Lyd and Andy who have just announced that they are engaged! How fab is that! Also want to say that I'm looking forward to getting you horribly drunk on your hen night, which, I might add will hopefully be after I get back!!
Right then I suppose I need to fill you guys in. Only been in Peru for two days hense the small amount of Pics, but I will update as I go along. Equador was brill, if not terribly cold. The canyoning was very scary and involved a lot of freezing water but I managed the big 45 meter free abseiling so I'm chuffed about that. Also rode a horse round and up a volcano, when the ground flattened in places we galloped western style, it was fab!!
So far I have only managed one good nights sleep and feeling a bit tired. It can't be helped though as the group are hilairious and I can't be seen to go to bed early...who knows what gossip I would miss?!!!!
There's a lot of driving involved in this trip. You'll notice the pic of Swampy (the big yellow truck). I have to refer to him as the truck and not a bus or I will be fined one beer by out driver/tour guide, Mark. He's very particular about it. Anyway, Swampy gets us around and it's been interesting tying to find a suitable position to sleep in on him, especially on the 6am starts!!!
Yesterday I surfed for he first time. Now considering I can't stop water from going up my nose and my most natural swimming stroke is doggy paddle, I don't think that I did too badly! I managed a half stand and rode a few waves so I'm happy. In the evening we had a costume party and BBQ. Mark had been out and bought a whole lamb, which we then roastde on a spit for 6 hours, it was glad I'm no longer a veggie!! The idea for the costume party was that everyone pulled a name out of a bag and then had to make/find a costume for that person. My friend Jen got me and drssed me as a 'Femmebott'from Austin Powers. I dressed mine as Lara Croft (thanks Tomb Raider), so she was happy; I on the other hand had chafing from the tin foil stuck down my top and skirt. It was excellent though and after a few vodka oranges it was all good! We then had to go out to the bars dressed as such and as you can imagin we got a lot of attention!
Tomorrow we're off again and in the day after that we go to the desert where we learn to sandboard and camp the night there. Can't wait to see the night sky, it'll be incredible!
As you can imagin when you`re with a group so much you start to produce phrases and kwirky comments. I am therefore happy to report that Neil, I have immortalised your phrase 'wo wo wo sweet child of mine', which is spreading like wildfire.
Right, better go as ned to catch the last few sun rays before I get cold again!
I'll be in touch soon.
Love ya all loads
Gem xxxx
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