The Crazy Adventures of Gemma Jean
Hey guys!!!
Well I'm nearing the end of my Miami trip and will actually probably be in South America by the time you read this.
Miami has been surprisingly good. My hostel was fab, which is a good start and I met some really cool people who seem to enjoy spending time with me so I've not actually managed to have a spare minute to myself, which isn't a bad thing!
In the last four days I've managed to get in some impressive hours on the beach, I've eaten out every day, something I wasn't going to do!! I've been to the Everglades and on a city and boat tour, all of which were great!!
Last night I walked past a piercing place with Katherine and Lucia who I had said to earlier that I wouldn't mind getting the top of my ear pierced again. Well no sooner had they spotted the place when I was pushed in. Anyway, I got it done, something else I hadn't budgeted for but hey ho, sieze the day right?! Anyway, it looks pretty cool so I'm happy about it.
Although Miami has been full of American's I've managed to have a really cool time here. Lucia and I are going to watch 'The Davinci Code' tonight so I can see it on big screen and I've eaten Eggs, Pancakes and Syrup and Key Lime Pie...all in moderation though so don't go thinking I'm a bloater!!
Oooo, check out the pics of the boat tour I went on! The houses were incredible! Mum, bet you'll be interested in Liz Tailor's old house as you do think you look like her!!!
Oh, before I forget, last night we went out for somedrinks and ended up watching the final for the basketball, Miami vs Dallas. Miami won and you wouldn't believe what they were like...they are crazy crazy here and lost it! Good to watch though and very entertaining! You know those US films of wakky teenagers or typical American's infront of the camera? Well its all true!!! My word!
Ok, so off to Equador I go. Looking really forward to this tour. Should be a blast!
Han and Vic, glad you're recovering. Still miss you guys!
Salm, any word on Fats job?
Loll, booked your ticket yet?
Lyd, thanks for the text, love ya chick!
Mum and Dad, Happy Anniversary!!! Did you get mine and Brad's card?
Gotta go, speak when I get there
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