How are you doing? Hope you are well and enjoying some nice weather. It's bloody horrible here. It's raining and windy, still not having any decent snow.
I'm back at work on Monday and am bricking it. I'm so nervous. Missing you loads. Matty-poos, I hope you are looking after my mate. I hope you are still having a fabulous time. Can't wait for your
next installment.
Love Lynnette and Mark xxx
Mum And Dad
Hi Matthew and Gemma. Noone seems to have thought to mention it (maybe they are still all sobering up after the celebrations!), but Huddersfield scored a famous victory on Saturday against Birmingham. So unusual even Gary Linekar was talking about it and it was on the national news. So now they play Oldham- what do you think are the chances of doing it again? Will be keeping u posted. On another level today I fought my way through the hell that is the M62 on monday morning affected by severe gails, snow and sleet to do a training session at Goodison Park. That was an bizarre experience. Everything is blue and white, even the pedestrian crossing outside the ground (well who would be brave enough to tell a scouser that it's not allowed)We were taken on a tour at lunchtime (by we I mean 22 assorted Early Years practitioners) how relevent it was I'm not sure but it was compulsory. I think i might have offended when I innocently asked 'would we know anyone from this club who is on the national team?' well it was a genuine attempt to look interested (apparently they only have one regular representative and I didn't recognise his name so he can't be that regular. They had a nice big trophy cabinet though with an impressive old FA cup in it. (next to the blue and white Christmas tree!) Is everyone like that, or is it just this lot? Anyway it helped to pass an otherwise boring Monday. Welcome back to the board Adam - we've missed you - hope you are better now! More later, take care both. Love and kisses xxxxx
Adam And Sarah
Now then Aff and Gemma, just caught up on your blogs. I must admit you are doing a great job in keeping us all posted about what you are doing, it's most entertaining, keep it up. The grammar leaves a lot to be desired at started off very well...happen you are both evolving into Indians ?
Affro, wasn't the camel bloke interested in doing some trade for Gemma ? I tried to offload Sarah in Dubai but Mustapha wasn't having it.
That accurate palm reader in Jodhpur....isn't he/she the one from Blackpool front ?
....and yes, I have been struck down with a virus, much worse than the average but i'll battle know me. The virus didn't effect my memory card though but I have been off my food.
Those stories about the rooms you're staying in make a week above Gorms Garage sound quite appealing.
Any road, must go, Beef stew for tea.
Tank - we off t'Oldham ?
Laura Keegan
Hi Guys
I finally got a computer so I can see how you're doing. Hope you are both having the time of your lives. I can imagine how much you are missing YBS. Obviously things at work are just wonderful!!!!!
I will be keeping track of how you are getting on from now on. Take care both of you.
Hope to see you when you return.
Laura xxx
Heidi Hi!
Sorry it has taken me soooooo long to get in touch! Judging by your beautiful photos, it looks like you are having an amazing time!
As you know I should have arrived in sunny Kenya today, however I am in cold, wet Kent instead! My trip has unfortunately been postponed for a month, due to serious fighting that has begun in the last week! In case you havent been watching the news, following the Kenyan political elections being rigged, tribal warfare has started, causing terrible destruction!! I found out on Wednesday that the trip was to be postponed, as it is obviously far too dangerous to go at present. I am so disapointed, but is for the best. So who knows where I will end up, somehow I dont think it will be Kenya!
Anyway guys, continue to enjoy yourselves and keep safe!
Naomi xx
Mum And Dad
Happy New Year to you both (in case u didn't get the text that is) Thanks for yours. We are deeply envious particularly of your version of how to do Christmas - it certaily beats ours. Anyway all the cards and lights are coming down so we can pretend it never happened - I suppose it wasn't that bad really. I'm back at work now and looking in the diary can actually count the weeks until our first expedition with the 'van' (South of France again - ok we know it's not as exotic as your holidays are! ) Gramps continues to do quite well now he's home. Gail has him marching every day, she's determined that he'll get going again. He does more for her than he will for me, something to do with biting the hands that feed you I think. Or maybe it'll be all the threats about going back to hospital if he doesn't tow the line!!! Your postcards arrived today (03/01) thanks to the good old postal service. Everything is going to the dogs here. Our pal Gordon is now threatening to withdraw NHS treatment for anyone who doesn't look after themselves - but where's the fun in clean living? Meanwhile we are moving into the strike season - the police are threatening to , and the airport workers. Predictions are that we are about to experience a serious financial crisis this year. And it's cold enough for snow - we had the first flakes today so I guess there will be more soon. And lots of people are ill with the tummy flu. Oh yes this is such a great country bet you are glad you're not here - just enjoy your nice life. Sending lots of love - looking forward to next episode. Take care both of you xxxx
Hi guys
Me and Dazza are just back from Berlin so just been catching up on your blog and photos. So glad you've been having an amazing time and had such a fun crimbo and new year. Think yours will have been warmer and more relaxing. The streets of Berlin were packed full of people on NYE launching fireworks everywhere. Was a great atmosphere even if it was a bit hairy!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Goa and have a safe trip on to your next stop. Really looking forward to hearing about it.
Missing you lots and lots, big hugs Jacks and Dazza x
Hi Gemma & Matthew
Sounds like you are having a fantastic time, it's bleedin' miserable here!
Love, Debbie
Matthew And Gemma
Happy New Year to everyone. Thanks for all your messages. Hope la grange and the new inn lived up to expectations and there was no falling out except for when it mean't getting home in the early hours. It always nice to see the messages when we do log on and it is the first thing we do when finding an internet place. Last night was a little unusual, I think it was the burning of a santa efergy (apparently a tradition) that was the strangest! Anyway moving on for a private boat ride on the backwaters tomorrow, but with the 12th Jan only around the corner we can't help but think about Singapore and what South East Asia will be like. Hope everyone survives the man flu, keep hearing about illness, no doubt Adam will have been the worst effected according to himself as usual. Have a good 2008! Love Matthew and Gemma xxxxxx
Natalie And James
Happy new year to you both! Fireworks are already going off here and its only half 6! Think we are going to be boring tonight and stay in...James is working at 8 tomorrow morning though!
We had a nice xmas and got lots of good pressies. James got me singstar for PS2...think next door have it too as they are constantly singing late into the night, which is a shame seen as i suggested it so i could go into competition with the little girl next door and her karaoke machine! Went to your mum and dads boxing day, had curry, think its becoming a bit of a tradition!
ive enjoyed reading your newest blogs and seeing the latest pics...those Goan sunsets are amazing and Gemma you are far too brown!
Enjoy yourselves tonight, love natalie and james.x.x.
Yana And Daniel
Ps. that word that is stared out is not a bad word !!!!!!!