hey guys
well we've finished our first week and today we moved from coogee by the beach to a hostel called "wake up" in the centre of sydney. its alot more modern and clean than the other hostel but nowhere near as friendly and homely. on the plus side though, we haven't seen any cochroaches yet! haha
on friday we took a daytrip to the blue mountains where we had a guided tour and went on rainforest walks. we got stuck in quite a few rainstorms and the weather was just pretty crap in general but it was still a good day. we saw loads more spiders and there were wild parrots flying everywhere which was amazing to see, they were all like red and blue and stuff! we then went on the steepest railway in the world. i can't even big to tell u how steep that thing was, it was awesome though! we all screamed all the way up it! we saw a few random aboriginis playing the didgerydoo aswell. i have photos i promise but i havnt worked out how to put them on here yet! (i will in a bit)
on saturday we got the bus into sydney (which was an adventure in itself since we had no idea where we were going!) just wandered around for a bit and then at night we went on a pub crawl. that was what u call messy. it started at 8 and u went to loads of different bars with a free drink in each. lets just say there was alot of dancing on tables, and i was lifted down by a bouncer since apparently thats not allowed. we got in at 4 in the morning, and so on sunday theres was a lot of lying on the beach with a bad head! sunday night we went for a farewell meal in sydney tower (which is basically like the radio city tower in liverpool except obviously its not a radio) the floor rotated so we got to see the whole of the city by night. it was a truly amazing view and if anyone ever comes to sydney U GOT TO DO IT!!! (the food was nice too haha)
so todays monday and we're at our new hostel. 10 of us from the ozintro group moved on here so tonight we all put money in and one girl made us a stir fry, it was like 5 bucks each - bargain! (thats 2 quid ish to u englanders) tomorrow its mine and gems turn to cook, apparently we're going to cook chilli. i'll be standing and smiling trying to help haha i bet everyone gets food poisoning!
gem will update soon, hope home is good and everyones ok
x x x
p.s. pam wrote this incase u hadnt guessed.
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