hey all!
so we arrived yesterday at half 6 in the morning and by half 9 we were lying on coogee beach!! its gorgeous here, the weather wasn't as great today but its still warm! yesterday we went into sydney and walked round the botanic gardens with our ozintro group. we saw plenty of spiders (argh) and there were fruit bats in the trees! it was really cool! we also fed wild parrots and both me and gem had cockatoos land on our shoulders! we then went on a harbour cruise on this yaucht were we got nice suntans and had a BBQ on board. Last night there were cochroaches in our room which wasnt too cool but i suppose thats what being a backpacker is all about! we're getting used to it now though, the living off cereal for every meal, the showers and toilets etc! australians have the most amazing houses can i just add that bit, every single one is a different colour and style and they're all kept like perfect! i saw a purple house before, very impressed!
today we have been on a surfing day were we got lessons from a surf school on a secluded beach outside sydney. it was awesome. gem managed to stand up a bit! i didn't but i still had fun, got the hang of the body boarding though! we've met loads of cool people, one guy in particular from leeds is so funny! he built a sandcastle car today which was random! we saw sea eagles on the beach today and a pelican which was REALLY random, oh and grass snake in the sand dunes! the guy also told us that last week he'd seen a shark in the sea where we were surfing, none today though so thats all good!! i think thats everything for now, we'll update again in a few days! hope everyone is good
love pam x x x x
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