Arrived in Wanaka and Kym surprised me with 22 balloons, a birthday cake and treated me to some fancy food. (she knows me so well!) I had my skydive the next morning so against all expectations I took it easy and only had a few birthday drinks.
Did the 60 second free-fall, 15,000 feet skydive over lake wanaka and the mountains and got to see MT Cook from a distant. Although I still it enjoyed it wasnt as good a the one i did back home whne I was 18.Dunno if it was cos id done it before so i didnt get the same rush, the fact that it was freezing or cos it was higher thsi time so my ears were killing cos of the pressure or a mixture of all 3. Next time I think i'll do it from 12,000.
In the arvo we walked around the lake before huddling round the log fire. This hostel was freezing!!
On the Friday we went to Puzzle World which has loads of illusions and rooms that really mess up your head! One of the rooms has loads of faces whos stares appear to follow you as you walk round it and another which makes one of u look huge n the other tiny (Hobbit stylee). And then onto the Maze.Even with Kym the self acclaimed 'maze master' it still took us ages to find the four corners and then our way out. After weeks of Kym mithering we saw Shrek in the evening at the local cinema.Its got a bit of a rep as its a bit funky with settess, couch chairs and even a car to sit in. Just about got thru the film without throttling the Kids behind us.Parents who let their brats go in on their own should be shot!!
Other than that I wached plenty of films in the TV room while Kym aka 'the bookworm' got stuck into her books and we honed our improving cookery skills!
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