The big day was finally here- Nevis bungee jump, all 134m of it lay before me! But first- After a 20 quid bet with Joe that I wouldnt jump in the freezing cold lake with all the locals as part of the Winterfest, I packed my towel and headed down to the lake. Thankfully the Party in the Bay was cancelled due to the weather (these Kiwis really are soft) so my bits were saved the shock.
After that lucky escpae it was crunch time.Did I have the balls to take on Nevis? It did look pretty scary and when the girl before me nearly bottled it and took 5 minutes to jump it didnt do my nerves any good!lol Male Bravado took over and I jumped first time even if I did emit a scared 'ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh' as I dived. The 'what the hell am I doing' feeling wore off after the first 2 seconds replaced with an absolute adrenalin packed feeling of elation! If Id have been able to do it again straight away for 50 bucks I would have. Epic!
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