Wednesday 30-7-14
Our 8:00am wake up call was, "Hey Brownie you're not still in bed are you?" It was Neil who had already been to work to make an appearance and then came to see our camping set up, he stayed for coffee and a chat.
At 10:00 am Kathy and Mick picked us up and took us to the Adelaide river crocodile cruise where they bait the crocs with buffalo meat and make them jump out of the water. We had a pretty good up close encounter and learnt a lot about them. Dennis got some great photos and video. The crocs in this area are known by name to the all -woman crew. The crocs recognise the vibrations of their motor and pop up out of the murky water as we go along the river through each crocs territory. They have black dots along their lips which are their senses. Apparently if you are in the water and being perfectly still they can use their sense of vibration to sense your heartbeat up to a km away! They are very territorial and cannibalistic, they are antisocial and only get together to breed. The females out-way the males 18 -1.
After we finished our boat trip we visited the wetlands interpretive centre. I discovered what to do if I find a cane toad, which have become a big feral problem in the N.T. When you catch them you put them in a double plastic bag and pop them in your freezer!
We then went to the Humpty Doo pub for lunch where the popular dishes are crocodile, buffalo and barramundi. Mick Then drove us around darwin and we ended up on the wharf with the best iced coffees, there are heaps of eating places on the wharf and around the bays with waterfront views. This place has really gone ahead since we were here last, there is so much high rise; apartments, accommodation, and offices.
We went to K & Ms daughter Marie's for a BBQ and caught up with their other daughter Sarah and their families which was lovely.
- comments
Heather & Rod more brilliant experiences! We are getting very jealous here!