Hi guys how wonderful to catch up with your friends Sharon and Neil. And then Shane and family. Hmmmmm, I can only dream of being up there sounds delightful. I bet you really can notice the difference. I thought you may have been on your way to Bathurst but you're still a wee bit too far away to get there by the weekend. Happy travels. Love Julie J xox
Gayle Brown
Thanks for your comments and well wishes . The weather is perfect today high twenties and a light breeze. If we had time I would like to stay here longer but there is still a lot more to see!
Boy you sure are having an adventure. Good work on reaching the top, and your still in one piece. You had better write a book on your adventures and mishaps, its been good reading so far. Stay safe out there in the dust and dirt. Love Susan,Derek&Bradley xxx
Julie J
Wow I'm surprised you got to see it. It certainly was an amazing experience and the gold medal is so shiny and heavy. Congrats on reaching the very tip/top of Australia. The photo looks wonderful. Sounds like you are having lots of adventures. All you need now are some fish. Keep having fun and enjoy. Lots of love Julie J x
Thank Julie Felicity's effort and results were fantastic. We watched the race results live on the computer and could not wait to see the delayed replay. W also saw a shot of you cheering in the crowd. We have 30 km to go to the top and then a slow trip home. Lots of love Dennis and Gayle
Julie J
Great to hear of your adventures. Wish I was there. Even though London was incredibly exciting not having to work and to travel around up in the top end of Australia, sounds bloody good. Love to you both. Cheers Julie J x
Thanks for asking. He will be ok he has a graze on his shin and knee which we are disinfecting every day. But his strained side comes and goes with whatever he is doing. Trouble is it doesn't slow him down!
Heather & Rod
where are you? how is grumpy? after his fall off the rocks? how is Gaylee? How is the weber Q going?