We were up early and didn't bother showering as we would be spending most of the day in the sea. We walked to the tour operators hut and we were picked up by a local lady who walked us to the equipment room. We got equipped with fins and snorkels and then walked to the boat. Our boat was filled up with a mixed bunch of people. Koreans, Japanese, Americans, Italians, Thai and ourselves the Brits! This boat looks like a canoe and it has what looks like a lorry engine bolted onto the back, fears are within my thoughts to whether this boat may be just a little over loaded "Nah it will be fine" the driver assures me in Thai!
Our first stop off point was Monkey beach. As we approached we were dodging in and out of other long tail boats and slipping past pricier speed boats, this beach was teaming with tourists. I was not realy into this part of the trip but I still got out to have a little sneaky wee in the sea. I was summoned by Lil to get her camera, she was standing near to a baby monkey under the tree. I got the shot but within a flash another monkey had sneaked up on her and took a bite at her leg, no real damage done just a scratch on her leg could be seen. As we got back on the boat we saw a man clutching at his elevated arm with blood running down it, he had become another vicious monkey victim. This just goes to show that we should not invade natures own private spaces, they will turn on us if we do not bring bananas.
Our next destination was Shark point, brilliant we thought a monkey bite already now lets get in the water with sharks! luckily there wasn't any vicious sharks around, in fact there were no sharks at all. It was a shame I realy want to see one but as the saying goes "if your looking, then your not seeing" (I just made that up). The visibility was ok and it wasn't that rough, there were plenty of fish to be seen. All different varieties and sizes, even Jelly fish, which is where my bite/sting of the day came in. I felt it in the water but wasn't sure at first, after 10 minutes on the boat though there was a strange squibly red shape on my arm. Lucky for me I needed another wee, as this helps with Jelly fish stings. Well so I thought and yes I did pee all over my arm!
After a few other paradise islands had been passed we finally stopped for lunch, this consisted of rice and vegetables. After lunch it was time for a little more snorkeling and swimming. The people we talked to the most on the boat that day were the Americans and the Italians. One of the Americans called Jason took a likening to Row. He kept on saying that we should meet up later on. This guy was a mess! He had not only been drinking, but taking drugs. Not illegal drugs but a concoction of prescription drugs which were not prescribed to him. If you look at the photos it's not hard to guess which one he is.
The highlight of the day was getting onto Maya beach on Phi Phi Leh. Getting there wasn't as easy as the other islands, the boat couldn't dock up onto the beach like all the other stop offs. This was a little more adventurous! The boat made its way into a bay joining the fleet of others there, the sea was quite rough here as the waves were crashing against the cliffs. These cliffs were our entrance point, It was a swim for your life! Once off the boat we had to swim towards a series of ropes which had been stretched out to help you get to the ladder which awaited us. The ladder was coming out of the sea above the rocks which were waiting below you to cut you up. The tides surged out and when it surged back in again it was a case of pray that you weren't in the path of the rocks. It was truly dangerous and the swim back to the boat could only be just as fun. Aside from being smashed against the rocks and fearing for the girl's safety we made it in one piece.
Once on Maya bay the views just melted away the past 20 minutes off fear, as the views were sublime. Large high rise cliffs surrounded the bay which is covered by vast amounts of green foliage. We reached the beach, with its polystyrene white soft sands and crystal clear waters it was a great view. I was just a shame there was so many other tourists about. This was the Island that that they filmed the beach on with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tilda Swinton.
Back on the boat safe and sound. We took a few photos of what we had just completed, then it was time for our slow ride back to Phi Phi Don. We managed to catch a beautiful sunset on the way back. We were all completely starving and knackered.
Once back on the Island Rows new stalker wasn't going to leave without a guarantee of seeing her again, so we agreed to meet him later.
After showering it was time to grab some food. We returned to our local who supplied us with a full and happy belly. After we ate it was time to meet Row's new admirer, but he was a no show! We ended up going to 7-11 to get ourselves some 8% Siam-Sato (RICE WINE) to drink on the beach. All intentions were to just have that one and go home. But the powers of the Siam-Sato took hold, and before we knew it we were out till 7am!
The night was a funny one. Yet again the ones you don't plan often are! We found ourselves at a bar at the end of the beach, at 1am all the music went off and everyone seemed to move to it. Rows stalker was there with the Italians, so we all joined together. Row and Lil found a wasted guy and decided to poke him with sticks! I found the longest Bamboo ladder that I've ever seen and tried to climb it into the sky (see the pictures). Izzy was adopting other peoples drinks and issuing them out to us. She was also using her powers of persuasion to get drinks brought by the Americans and the Italians.
Thursday we woke up late with, "hello you check out today?" from the other side of the bedroom door. "NO!" managed to work its way out of my mouth, which was so dry. It was one of those oh dear I'm going to be hung over today. It was so hot today, why oh why? Brunch of Chicken burgers and iced tea was served up, which was just want we needed as we felt much better after.
Today I just wanted to spend all my time in 7-11 as they had air-con, it's always cold in 7-11, but it is a convenience store and there's only so long you can spend in there before you look like you're going to steal something. Our last meal on the Island and we were not going to change now by going elsewhere, so we returned to our friendly local with his manic 5 year old daughter who seemed to run the place. This time Jason had invited himself. It turned out to be a funny meal with Jason's stories of nearly going to prison and working in a school in Korea. Whether they were all true or not? Who knows! Some of it sounded a little far-fetched, but he told them with allot of honesty and parts with an air of regret.
The evening ended with all of us saying good bye to Jason for the last time, or was it? who knows I think he's a bit of a stalker, let's see.
Lil used Skype to speak to her parents and Adam while I researched prices to fly to Bali and accommodation. Tomorrow we get a boat to Phuket.
- comments
gert sorry its a bit of a long one!