The more i am here the more i see of Australia and the more i enjoy it. I went to Fremantle or as the locals call it Freo.. Went to this huge market they had lots of different kinds of clothing and jewelry, fruit and vegetables so nice. Got some grapes and strawberries very yummy.. Also while i was there i tried the famous meat pie... it was alright. not sure if i would get another one though. u can see it in my photos.. doesn't look that good. Went to the other beach too. Scarborough, it was nice, had some beach vollyball there and alot bigger waves more for surfing.. Had to be careful not to lose my suit. :) yesterday we tried to go kayaking but when we finally found the place they didn't have any kayaks left so we just took a ferry over to penguin island. It was fun saw alot of birds and the world's smallest penguins. they're so cute and small... Then we went to the Aussie football game. It was Freo against West Perth. we rooted for Freo cuz the day before we got jersy's for them.. the game was so much fun we weren't totally sure what was going on but the game is basically a mix between soccer, rugby and football. cuz u basically kick, throw and hit the ball down the field. And then kick between the poles. well it was amazing and if u ever get the chance to see one in Australia of course defaintly go to it. the end score was Freo 104 to perth 60.. we beat their butts!!
Then today had our first day of class. it was good. the class we are taking is a media and communications class so its all new and interesting to me. we have two sessions today one 10-12 then lunch then 1-3 so not bad at all. plus we get fridays off. and some days we only have one session.. i know u are all jealous :) Today in the second session we had a guest speaker talk to us about photo narratives which we each get to do one. Not sure what mines going to be on yet. was thinking of doing the street art of western australian cuz there is this long wall of graffitti next to us and other sculptures i could photograph.. just an idea though. any suggested are welcome. . think thats about it for now...
Oh sorry for all the misspellings have no spell checker on the blogger...
hope everyone else is doing good too :)
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