Hello everyone,
Just got back from my trip to Cairns, it was amazing!! getting there wasn't the best our plane was delayed about 4 hours leaving Melbourne but they did give us a meal voucher so that was ok. When we finally arrived in Cairns it was around 11 so we checked into our hostel and then checked out the city alittle. It had lots of souvenir shops, restaurants and some clubs. The best part was it was warm even when it was raining. We got bright and early and loaded our boat at 730am. We were on our way to the Great Barrier Reef!! so exciting. Did u all know its one of the 7 wonders of the World.. cuz i didn't at first. We got all our snorkeling gear and we were off. the boat ride out was a bit rocky and some people got sick like marah :) but she was ok once we got in the water. Our first stop was at saxon reef. When we got there it was raining but the water was nice and warm. However since it was raining we didn't put on sunscreen and as we were swimming for hours the sun came out so needless to say we got a tad crispy. Actually i think i got burnt the least just my butt well my upper legs and a tad one my back but MB got it the worst her back is rather on the red side. Oh well we learned our lesson.
Anyways back to the reef. It was amazing!! we saw so many great fish. So colorful and pretty. We saw a sea turtle too, that MB touched.. shh don't tell anyone though she wasn't supposed too :) we also saw a shark!! it was smaller though not too scary.. and a huge clam, some Nemo fish and so many other neat things also the coral itself was interesting. Marah and I bought a waterproof camera together so hopefully we got some cool pics and will try to get them online sometime soon. you will all be amazed if they came out as good as what we saw. We spent about 2 hours at the first stop then had lunch as we moved to the next reef which i am drawing a blank on the name right now.. This spot is where we saw the nemo fish and other fish oh and sea cucumbers we think. After we were snorkeling for a total of 5 hours we were tired. But they provided us we entertainment on the way back. One of the crew members played a guitar and sang songs from different countries. ( American pie for us americans, Waltzing Maltida for australia and lots of other very fun).
When we got back to land we shopped around some then showered and headed out for the night. We got free meal vouchers at a local bar so we hit that up and had some drinks too of course. then we went to the Wool shed which is a club down the road from where we stayed. it was a good time we were all feelin pretty good at that point so it was a good night.
Next morning came too soon. 7am we got on a bus and headed towards the Daintree Rain forest. On the way we stopped and pet some roos and other aussie animals. we continued to a gorge where some people went swimming but we just walked around. We had an amazing lunch at a resort area on the beach. It was soooooo yummy. I noticed u appreciate food more when i have been eating basically romen and easy mac for 4 weeks:) Also there we got to know more of our group. Met a family from Boston and the step mom grew up in Pitttsfield, ma such a small world!! also we all got our palms read by a palm reader on our trip. It was interesting, says i am going to be a very successful business woman, i am not ready for love yet oh and my fingers are too short which means i am not too patient... it was interesting to hear everyone's readings..
After lunch we had a walk in the rain forest where our guide told us so much fascinating facts about the plants and different kinds of forest in australia. we then went on a crocodile cruise on the Daintree river. We spotted 5 crocs mostly small baby ones, a snake in a tree and some birds. After that we made our way back to Cairns and to the airport. we all wanted to stay in Cairns longer it was soo much nicer there and warmer but we got back to Melbourne around 1130.. long day we were exhausted today in class.
Speaking of class today we started out last block here:( History of Indigenous Australia. first week or so is on Archeology, i think we are going to learn the most from this class it was really interesting.
So tomorrow we have class then going to see the new Indiana Jones Movie.. thursday we go to the Melbourne Museum for a field trip and we go on another 3 day one later on in the course.
Think thats all for now, hows everyone else doing? How was southern States? And prom Jess? what's everyone been up to?
well i can't believe i have less than a month left in Australia. I am kinda torn though i mean i love it hear and want to see more but am also excited to get back home and see everyone at home. Wait i have the solution, everyone should just come out here!! :) haha
well hope everyone is doing great, hugs and kisses to everyone!!
cheers mates
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