Ahhh so tired! Arriving home at 8am will do that to you tho.
So after having a few hours sleep Diane and I have a relaxing day at home and I help her with the cooking. She made pizza and Lasange and I helped by stirring the sauce for the Lasange :)
Diane's dad also taught me how to make crepes from scratch and even taught me how to flip them and no, they didn't end up on the floor, they landed safely in the pan.
I also tried some French cheese and all I'm going to say is goat's cheese is dusting! Blargh!
After dinner Diane and I finished watching elephants in the water, which was an awesome movie :) after this we then watched Milan :) I had never seen it before and I really enjoyed it!
Once the movie had finished I was more than happy to hit the hay!
Catch ya guys later, bonne nuit xoxo
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