WOW, that is all I can say about last night. The Sambadrome was incredible. I have never seen anything like it before. The glitz, the glamour, the colour, the people and the floats - WOW. I don't know if anyone saw any of it on tele or the news, but times it tenfold because TV doesn't do it justice. The atmosphere in the stands is incredible, everyone is up and dancing and singing and everyone gets right into it.
Neale & Sally, two of my friends from camp are also in Rio and they managed to get tickets to Sector 13 where we were also headed so they met me at the hotel and we had some pre show drinks before all of the Tucan guests in the hotel walked down to the Sambadrome together (only about 20min walk). Our sector was where most of locals sit because it is the cheapest and the only downside to it was that it was quite set back compared to the other grandstands so we didn't get a view of down the runway but that was OK, we could see it on the big screen. We were at the finish line so you could see them all throw their costumes off as soon as they were done and stand around in their underwear as they were so hot.
So, what is it all about. Basically there are Samba schools around Brazil and 12 of them are in the Special Group. This is worked out by rankings depending on points from all previous years. 6 schools dance on Sunday and the other 6 on Monday. The runway is 1km long and they have exactly 80mins to get up to 5000 dancers and floats down the runway and out the gate. They also have to have a minimum of 200 percussionists and each school has a theme and song that constantly gets sang the whole 80 mins. There are 10 categories they are judged on and 4 judges for each. Quickly, the categories are: Percussion band, Samba song, Harmony, Flow & Spirit, Theme, Overall Impression, Floats & Props, Costumes, Vanguard Commission (school opening) and The Flag Bearer and Escort.
The 6 schools we saw in order, along with their theme were: Imperio Serrano (Song of the Waters), Grande Rio (France in Brazil), Vila Isabel (The Opera of Rio), Mocidade (Words & Music), Beija-Flor (Pure Waters) & Unidos Da Tijuca (Samba in Heaven). Beija-Flor has won it 5 times out of the last 6.
My favourite was Grande Rio, but Beija-Flor had a more catchy song. Some of these costumes can cost up to 10,000 Brazilian reales, however the winner does walk away with 2 million. That can buy a lot of costumes for next year!!! For the last school, I walked down to the very front to try and get some photos of the costumes up close. It is amazing some of the work that goes into them and alot of them get thrown out, unbelievable.
A few of us managed to stay up all night and watch all 6 schools, finishing around 6.30am. We walked back to the hotel and had brekky and then I slept to about 2pm. Heading to Sugarloaf Mountain tonight for sunset drinks.
On Friday night, 4 of us headed down to Sambaland and grabbed a table and got some food and drinks. Now, Michaela thought it was a good idea to order us some caprianas, Brazil's national drink made of ice cubes, lime juice and some alcohol that is about 50% proof. Like drinking petrol stripper, boy that stuff is strong. Anyway, we had a good night, mainly locals down there, all in the party mood and we were up and dancing and chatting with them before heading home about 3am.
Saturday morning, was going to head to the Christ statue but when we went to get the bus, the road was closed due to a street parade so got waylaid by that. Then, because I was so hot, decided to come and grab my stuff and head down to Copacobana for a swim. Now, it is meant to be a beautiful beach, but I couldn't see it due to the amount of people on it. I've never seen a beach like it, but the water was freezing cold and just what I needed. That night headed out to see a street band competition and then ended up out at Lapia, where they have a famous street party by the arches. A few of us just sat there and people watched - you can have fun with that. Less is definitely best here - with regards to what you wear, whether it be at the beach or on the street. I felt out of place on the beach in my one piece swimsuit!!!
Yesterday morning we went on a Favella tour but will write about that next time as have filled you with enough info for now. Time to go and get ready for Sugarloaf.
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