Only a couple of hours away from Surfers Paradise, Brisbane our home for just a couple of days is a fantastic city. Too many people wrongly assume it's no good so skip straight through on their journey or visit all too breifly (as we did) We instanly got a good feeling about Brisbane the architecture is stunning and there is so much to do and see that a couple of days just is not enough. The city centre, botanical gardens, the south bank area are all well worth a visit.
On the South bank area of the city at riverside they have built an inland beach complex with a large swimming pool, it is amazing and with the weather so very hot and sunny we spent an enjoyable few hours watching the world go by. The added bonus of witnessing a brawl only made it a more enjoyable experience. A group of aussie hillbillies and a troop of Fijians decided to have fistycuffs at sunset for everyone elses enjoyment. Basically some aussies who seemed pretty drunk and were being a bit rowdy decided to have a pop at some fella in the pool, claiming his kids were being bullied by their kids or something equally trivial, next thing this fella jumps out of the pool and squares up to the aussies, then suddenly a whole host of people on both sides come running in and all hell breaks loose, pushing and shoving, fists flying, more swearing than at a Jim Davidson stand up, people on the floor it was all going on. Luckily or maybe unluckily a security guard nearby who was taking details of some Japanese geezers bag that had been nicked was on hand to try and keep the peace until he ended up getting slotted himself! More security arrived but unfortunatley we had to leave before the conclusion of the mayhem, it trully was just like watching Jerry Springer live. Then on the way back to the hostel later on in the evening the fashion police (in the form of 2 vagrants) Who were either A) on drugs B) drunk or C) a few sandwiches short of a picnic or most possibly all 3 commented on my shorts "Check out those shorts" one of them shouted before they giggled uncontrollably like girl guides for god knows how long. Good banter.
Brisbane brilliant, Australia Zoo and Noosa next up!
Oh I forgot to mention in the Surfers Paradise Blog, whilst asleep on the top bunk in our lovely hostel, in the bunks with no protection remember, I somehow managed to drop my phone in the middle of the night which hit Franki on the head, whoops! Our hostel in Brisbane had pretty similar sleeping arrangements only this time I was on top bunk above a big black American guy, this time I dropped my pillow at 4am right on his face, don't think he was especially impressed. Nevermind
Franki again I would also like to add that I was also rudely awoken bu said man above when he decided to get up at the dawn break and turn off the air con (right next to my head!) and open the blinds letting direct sunlight straight into my eyes!! Nice guy!!!
- comments
mum/Fi just getting dramatic there - did your money run out?!! (omn? what's that then?) waiting with bated breath for next instalment!! loving the koala crossing pic xx
Kate hahahahahaaa i just burst out laughing at the phone dropping incident!!!