This weekend we decided origionally to go to Chiang Doe. We got on a bus and checked into our very stange hostel..... the women was really very very odd and then went up to the caves!! They were absolutley huge but again very strange... the whole place had a rather eerie atmosphere and we decided there wasn't much to do so we got half our money back after a pretend phone call and flaged down a bus to chiang mai where some of the other AV's were already!! Sarah made the mistake of sitting on the back row next to a rather interesting fellow who attempted to squeeze her boob twice, so we decided we would but her rucksack between him and her. We arrived in Chiang Mai and found a really sweet cheap clean hostel!! In the evening the group did different things, Susie went with one half to the night safari where she went around on a tram and saw loads of animals such as hippos, rinos, pumas, tigers and many more. Fran however went to the night bizarre and helped barter many bargains and had a thai street massage. We then all went to Mexican for dinner which made a nice change from the Thai.... we even managed some free ice cream!! We then headed to the rooftop bar for some drinks and met Harunas thai love!! It was all lit up with lanterns and had tables where we sat around on the floor (3 floors up). Some of us then went on to Spicy for some dancing.... however the english music didn't start until 2 which was disapointing but quite amusing!!
On Sunday we went to the walking market where we baught some presents for our teachers for when we leave as we probably won't have another opportunity and picked up some bargains after some more bartering!! We then headed to the bus station and Fran hung off the back of the Song Tauw to catch the last bus home!! The bus was very very crammed and there were 3 people to every seat!! It was also very hot but was a good experience!! After getting back to Tha Ton at about 8 after over 4 hours the hill tribe crew got on the Son Tauw back to our little houses ready for next week where we have scout camp!! very exciting!!
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