hey frao! still sounding very amazing, still jealous! stop telling us about how nice your weather is, its freezing here at the moment hee hee my one request is.... put up photos of any weird jelly fish you have found. stumpy tenticles!?!?!? ha ha hugs and kisses xxxxxx
heya my lovely!!! hope u are having a brilliant time out there! sounds like its amaazing and ure deffo making the most out of it! take care and keep us posted :D missing u lots of love xoxox
Desmond And Susan
Hi Frances,
I thought you would like to know that it is -5 today in Norfolk! But this does mean that it's too cold for spiders.
I have to say miss frances that it was very weird not to spend valentines day with you . . . hope you werent cheating on me!! lol
Love you xxxx
Matt (Lay)
Heya, hows things downunder? sounds pretty fun down there, wish it was a bit warmer back here too. I like the driving, a big jeep aye!! sweet. Its gonna be strange getting back to the little pug after that. anywho, take care, and have fun, as no doubt you will. I'll be keeping an eye on your blog now, looking forward to some good piccy's. Cyas, xxx
hellooo... sorry its taken me soo long to write i've been away and then cudnt remember ur website but kerry had emailed mum ur blog and mumread it to me while i was away! :d im so jealous of u and miss u loads!! the sun is out here but its not even warm let alone hot! times going to fly for u! i bet ur already so tan aswell .. not fair!! miss u and love u loadss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey huni
very happy to hear that you are having fun, you deserve so much. It is still so weird to think that you are on the other side of the world to me - its too far away!!! lol. missing you terribly but contine to have to the time of your life!
Keep making me laugh with your blogs, it brightens up my day.
Love you lots, but dont hurry back lol.
ok....so i read ur blog and pretty much screamed myself when i read the bit about the spider!! i went straight onto google and searched it coz i didnt no wot it looked like. they look horrific. ur soo brave!! but we are bigger than them so its all gravy!! anyway, i hope ur having a fabbbbbbulous time and im vvvveryyy jelous of u right now-getting a tan while we are sitting by the fire with our jumpers and slippers on!! stuuuupid england!!! i also find it really strange that im going to be going to to bed soon and ull probs be nearly ready to wake up!! i think cant member how many hours ahead u are. anyway..ill finish off now, i hope u have a lovely lovely day. so glad ur enjoyin urself. look forward to reading ur next post!! lots of love xxxxxx
Sarah & Mada
hello lovely lady! Missing you lots, rubbish about the spiders, craig had one in his room in South Africa the size of a dinner plate!! Looks gorgous there, speak soon! xx kisses from both of us
Wow sounds like you're having an amazing time! We have had nice weather over the weekend but not hot like you! Soooooooooooooooo jealous! Say hi to Uncle David for me! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sounds BRILLIANT! just read your latest blog!! glad to hear the sun is shining!!! xxxxxxxxxX
Wow your in oz so jelous and your in warm whether and it is raining here!! soo jealous about you stroking a kangeroo!! you going to be able to fit all this shopping in that bag of yours haha!! and why are we having to solve sums everytime we write to you?? Hope that tan si coming a long lol love you xxxxxxxx