Glad you're catching up with your sleep, that you've stopped leaking and that you've begun to meet the indigenous flora and fauna. You ought to meet some possums and a wombat too, but stay away from the redbacks! Just some thoughts - how about the Botanical Gardens, a stroll by the muddy Yarra, Collins Street, Puffing Billy, Ballarat & Sovereign Hills and panning for gold!], Great Ocean Road, Lorne, the island with the penguins - and there's loads more too.
love from Mum & Dad
glad u got there safe and sound sounds fab already "jelooousss" lol hope the rain goes away now it will probs come to england lol! keep updating us sounds lovely!! miss u already smelly head! loveee u aussie girl!
Heyhey little sister. Glad your having a good time, we need to see some pics though! Not being able to go to Oz with you has left me with itchy feet so I'm going to Toronto for 9 week!
Don't spend too much in Melbourne :p
I have major jealousy issues with you right now... lol!
question: so does a tazmanian devil actually look anything like taz? lol how exciting!
Hope your having an awesome time, missing you loads! Love from your home girl ennit x x x x x
golly sometimes these sums are hard! lol!
Hiya frao, hope you are settling in well and enojoying yourself! cant wait to see some more pics!! xx xx
Hey little sis! Hope your flight was ok...mum said that one of your flights was late so you missed your plane!? Glad you got there in the end though! Whats Oz like then? Have you met the local wildlife yet? Love you lots like jelly tots!!! xxxxxxxx
Hello there my lil frao mayo! Hope u had a safe trip out to lovely australia!! hehe! Im sure that u will get a fab tan! haha! Hope u have a wicked time my dear i will keep having a look see to see what u are getting up to! lots a nice pic's please! love ya lots xxxxxxxx
Hey frao! hope your settling in ok. i was guna write yesterday but figured you'd still be on the plane!! bet ur legs were acheing! n e ways look forward to seeing all ur pics! have fun! xxxxxx
Hello you!! just looking at ur pics! how the hell did it all fit in that one bag!! haha so jealous you will have an amazing time im sure!! hope you do not see any spiders! haha let me know when your there! missing you love you xxxxxxxx
are u there yet? i keep thinking of u being on the plane i feel for ur, ur gona have one great numb bum for def that will take a fair while to walk off hehe! hurry and let us no ur there on the other side of the world!! CRAZY! looovee uxxX
Desmond And Susan
Gooday Frances. Hope David completed the spider clearance in time for your arrival! Have fun - looking forward to the photos. Love Uncle Desmond and Auntie Susan
Hey my lovely, im missing u already! wel at the moment ur prob just dying to get off the plane after such a long journey, but atleast it will be in sunny australia!!!! Well i hope to hear from u soon! dont forget bout me! hope ur journey was not too bad on ur own... did u read the book?? lol love n miss u loads xxxxxxx