I arrived here in Cairns on Thursday 13th March. It was such a contrast from the Red Centre, not only in appearance but in climate also. Even though it was scorching hot at Uluru it wasnt humid, but here in Cairns as soon as i stepped off the plane you could feel the humidity and my hands immediately felt clammy from the hot moisture in the air. When i got into the airport arrivals there was a man standing there holding up a board with my name on thats was i call service for the posh people!! He got my bags and transferred me to my hotel. Hotel was ok, bit of a box room with a bed, but at least here i had a tv unlike at Uluru.
My first morning I went down to reception to book some tours whilst i was in Cairns - the Great Barrier Reef, Daintree Rainforest and Cape Tribulation (where the rainforest meets the Great Barrier Reef). It was absolutely pouring down with rain and the woman at the desk said the forecast for the weekend was aweful, with high wind speeds on the reef of 30knots and that i wouldnt be able to get out to the reef!! Devastated doesnt quite fit it! We agreed that id check the forecast again the next day to try and get a trip out there as that was the reason i came to Cairns. Back in England I hadnt appreciated that summertime in Queesland is the wet/monsoon season as its got a tropical climate in far north queensland. For the afternoon i booked a trip to Hartleys Crocodile Adventures which is basically a crocodile farm. It was actually really fun and had a boat trip on the wetlands, surrounded by crocodiles, went to a snake show and also a crocodile attack show which was awesome. Walking around, even though i knew none of the crocodiles could get out of the enclosures i still felt vulnerable, especially after reading the sign on ebtry that stated that basically they wouldnt be held responsible if a crocodile killed you...very comforting way to greet your guests!!
The nest morning i was up at 6am ready for a tour into the Daintree Rainforest and up to Cape Tribulation. The weather was aweful, still warm but pouring with rain, and the beautiful scenery was covered in thick clouds. When we reached the Rainforest after about a 2hour drive, we took a cruise down the Daintree River, home to lots of wild crocodiles, snakes, tree frogs and barramundi. On our way along the river we saw 2 wild crocs, and an Amethyst Python - which isnt poisonus. Got absoultely soaked and realised then that my waterproof is only showerproof!! Helpful!! We walked through the rainforest which was pretty amazing, seeing trees that take 100years to grow 1metre. In the afternoon we headed to a little creek beyond Cape Trib where we tasted loads of tropical fruits. The best was the dragon fruit, but for future reference people, Custard apple is scabby!! On the way homw we stopped at Cape Tribulation beach which is just idyllic. The rain had eventually stopped now and the beach just looked like something from castaway, surrounded by rainforest. Truly beautiful place, but we werent even allowed to paddle in the sea as its box jellyfish season in Queensland, and one sting can kill you!!
When i got back to the hotel i found out the next days forecast was slightly less windy so i booked a trip to the outer barrier reef. I was up early the next morning, and finally the sun was shining a bit, so i was full of hope. But as soon as i stepped onto the boat it began to chuck it down!! And the boat began to rock, and rock, and rock! If you looked out of the window, one second all you'd see was sea, and the next, sky. I felt so sick!!! We stopped at an island called Green Island, about 1hour from Cairns, and it was to take another hour to get to the outer barrier reef, and all day we'd be on a pontoon. Feeling as rough as i did this idea didnt appeal so i got off the boat at Green Island!! Was diappointed at the time,but no was could i have coped with getting out there let alone the return journey. People were being sick left right and cnetre...not a pretty sight. It was still chucking it down. Defo not the pretty sight you see on all the postcards. Sodded, i went for a walk round the island (its very small) and went onto the beach where i tripped and snapped my flip flop! was turning into such a great day (sense the sarcasm??)! So one shoe on, one shoe off i ran to one of the 2 shops on the island and got some new shoes. After my free buffet lunch i went on a glass bottom boat tour, which was just as rck on the rough sea, but got my first glimpse of coral and pretty fish. Miraculously, as if there had been no rain, the sun then came out once i was off the boat and so i went snorkelling in the sea. Took a while to get used to again, but was awesome.Defo made my day! The trip back though to Cairns was aweful as the boat was smaller and the rain and wind had picked up again. But id got my time on the reef so was happy. What a shame ill just have to come back to Cairns again :)
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