And finally I get to Sydney! The bus journey went suprisingly well although I dont think I'm gonna get used to disgusting service station toilet breaks at 2 in the morning. The first hostel I got to was pretty quiet and also expensive because they were doing maintenance on the cheaper rooms so I only lasted two nights before moving to another, and this time much better, hostel. Did the usual walk around the Bridge, Opera House and Botanical gardens which were really nice and also around other parts of the City.
After losing my bloody hoodie I went around to see a mate from my trip and Melbourne in Kings Cross. Its a seedy place but just looked like any generic British town centre on a saturday night. Anyway he ended up getting some free drinks vouchers and I got blind drunk all night for nothing. Very chuffed with that! Got caught on the train with no ticket though but I didnt know you had to buy one. Blagged my way out though and only had to buy a ticket.
Ended up getting along really well with my latter hostel mates and just got drunk on goon and orange juice. Nick lurves the goon! Heard some more dodgy stories about South America which makes me want to go to the place even more.
Ended up on a ferry trip to Manly Beach and just chilled out with my ipod all day. God its really tiring doing nothing everyday. Sydney is one really nice place though, and its amazing at night when its all lit up. By far my favourite Australian city.
I am getting fed up of cities now and looking forward to doing very little for the next few days until I get to Byron Bay where I can see my liver getting abused again.
Au revoir.
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