Hi everybody! Here is the newest update! It has been 10 days so obviously I have experienced a lot in that time!
Since last time, I have been to Puerto Vallarta, Guadalajara, Queretaro and Mexico City where I'm writing this blog from.
So to start with Puerto Vallarta: I arrived there and quickly realized that this was much more turisty than any of the other places I have been to yet. People actually saw it as a big compliment if I tried to speak Spanish which I think is really silly. But I went to one of the nicest hostels I've ever stayed at! The atmosphere there was just what I was looking for and I met a lot of great people at that place. I really enjoyed my time in Puerto Vallarta, even though it possibly wasn't my most authentic encounter with Mexican culture... But here I tried swimming with dolphins and I tried jetskiing, both for the first time in my life. I also got to find my own little quiet beach 15 min. south of Vallarta where I enjoyed the peace and quiet away from this big turisthub.
I then went to Guadalajara where I also went to a great hostel with great, cheap taco stands just round the corner! I have really come to love those cheap taco stands but my stomach does still not fully approve my eating habits :)
And also here I met great people with whom I shared tequila and beers with! I have really met a lot of really cool and nice people at the hostels I have stayed at. And many have different exciting stories! I have met Trino applying for an American residenceship (and getting it - congratz!), I have met Dave who was fleeing from the States, I have met people at my own age and people who are retired. I have met a dreaming jewelrist, I have had dinner with an American who I came to talk with on the street, I have met a South Korean guy barely speaking English and no Spanish traveling for a year in South America! and many, many more really, really nice and cool people! It has been interesting and fun!
Back in Guadalajara I also went on a Tequila tour and tasted the officially best tequila in the world! I am not becoming a fan of tequila just because of that, I must admit - I still cannot stand it!
I also went to see Lucha Libre / Mexican wrestling which was a really fun and awesome experience! It is really not so much wrestling and violence as it is acrobathics and a big act! You could get all the way next to the ring and explore the action and at some point I even had one of the luchadores falling out from the ring on top of me! I am so regretful that I can't show pictures and videos from that... they even had midgets fighting!
In Guadalajara I also went in a pink horse carriage around town with two Norwigean girls. How they got me into that carriage I don't know. Maybe I'm finding my more feminine side on this trip - hell, I have actually had a couple of approaches from gay men! But also I have had Mexican girls asking to have pictures taking with me so I guess its just obvious how much of an exotic gringo (foreigner) I am! Must people take me to be American around here which I don't know what to think of when being in Mexico...
So, I went to Queretaro and visited my friend, Anibal, but it was just for one day, beacuse he had to go to school so I decided to go to Mexico City and then I am coming back to Queretaro this weekend. Looking forward to go partying with real Mexican style!
In Mexico City, I have seen lots! The Centro Historico with the Zocalo Plaza and all the different sights there, the fantastic antropology museum (which is really a must-see in Mexico) and of course the Pyramids of Teotihuacan. There is so much ancient history in this area that its hard to cope with all the information. But it is really exciting and I can now tell a lot about Mexican history but I am going to spare you from that :)
I have been asked for my reasons to go to Mexico and I realize that many people think it is a dangerous place to travel. Well, for one thing Mexico has so many things to offer especially looking at culture (current as well as ancient) and history, but also the nature here is significantly beautiful. It is a great possibility to improve my Spanish and it was a natural destination to go backpacking after a week of skiing in the US. You have to keep in mind that I want to go everywhere so I was going to travel in these areas eventually ;) And for the dangers: almost none of the drugcrimes have anything to do with turists and generally if you don't seek trouble, you won't get trouble. It works that way everywhere. But I'm always aware and looking over my shoulder which you should always be when traveling.
At last some practical info: I have lost my phone and gotten a Mexican one. I don't have the number next to me right now but I will soon write an update with my Mexican number!
That was it for now. I miss you guys back home. Hope you are dong great!
- comments
Mor Kære Michael. Godt - at du trives godt i Mexico! Du har alderen til at rejse og til at suge alle oplevelser til dig. Din mave kommer sikkert på rette kant igen. Vi nyder foråret i Danmark, hvor varmen synes at komme til landet i Påsken. Knus fra Mor