Any hike with 41lbs on your back is a tough one.....add in 5000ft of ascent and 16-17 miles and I tell you I was nearly broken. We luckily got to leave our sacks to go up Half Dome for dawn, then had to pick them back up to continue on our way. The traditional JMT is 211 miles, but you can do extra peaks and trails (which we were doing) so we were looking at around 235miles in 15 walking days. The first 3 days were the hardest. My whole body just ached. My shoulders hurt because of the weight, so I would adjust my sack a bit to put more weight through my hips, but then I got big bruises and blisters on both hips-losing battle. We came to the conclusion we had brought too much food, so we just tried to eat as much as we could- but then that's the other thing, because you're just exercising constantly you're not that hungry and I had this weird sickly feeling from about day 2 until the end.
Moan moan moan, I'm making it sound bad- I loved it, Ive been wanting to do this trail for years and years, the views are amazing day on day. I was smiling all the time. From the moment we got up (5:15am!) to the moment we went to bed (by 8 every night!). The night sky sky was unbelievable as well.
My trail name was Big Red....given to me midway through by a passing guy who said "Hey! What's you're trail name? It should be Big Red because you've got a Big Red pack and red hair!". Loved it- only Moira may find it as funny as me but that nickname has been used once before in different circumstances last time I was in California! My pack was undoubtedly the biggest we saw- 85litres and I guess I just filled it. Im not sure I do "paking light" very well. It was never lighter than 30lbs- and 33 at the end. But you just get used to it, and it means you just get pretty fit carrying it all the time long distances over a pass every day. I would definitely pack lighter next time. And I shouldn't complain, everyone in the army carries way more than that....This is a holiday?
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