Coroico, Bolivia Apr 18, 2013 Sol y Luna These pancakes were little breakfast treats sometimes too ! They do pancakes very well in Bolivia. Slightly thicker than a crepe and slightly sugary.
Coroico, Bolivia Apr 18, 2013 Sol y Luna We asked for freshly cooked chips and the chef was so accommodating. I did want a Milanese chicken but was so happy that we were served fresh chips that I happily ate my Milanese steak The breadcrumbs were quite nicely seasoned with parsley and garlic too.
Coroico, Bolivia Apr 18, 2013 Sol y Luna Eds steak with a fried egg. Sort of like the steak a la pobre (poor mans steak) from Chile and Argentina. His meat was better quality than my Milanese version. Perhaps it was just fresher.
Coroico, Bolivia Apr 18, 2013 Sol y Luna Even I'm a bit embarrassed by how much chips I consume ! This meal was particularly unappealling. Burger has two tiny pieces of brown bread, chips are old and greasy. You'd think I'd have left it but to my shame I ate most of it!
Coroico, Bolivia Apr 17, 2013 Aoifes lentil soup. Lentils are all the rage here. The soup was more an instant pop it all together soup but hit the spot. Just didn't have any of the layers of flavour that good soups have.