Buenos Aires To Tarija Bolivia, Argentina Apr 4, 2013 Transamerica bus Pasta or pancake (hard to tell as rather mushy) with chicken and spinach.
Buenos Aires To Tarija Bolivia, Argentina Apr 4, 2013 Transamerica food Creme caramel. Lots of dry sweet bread. An empanada. Ed indulged I didn't.
Buenos Aires, Argentina Apr 3, 2013 Las pizzaras restaurant Amazing place. Really delicious food and chilled atmosphere. No menus. It's all on the walls!
Buenos Aires, Argentina Apr 3, 2013 Las pizzaras Langostinas in a cane sugar with bulgar wheat and micro greens. Sweet sauce and perfectly cooked juicy prawns. Omg. What a dish. New fan of bulgar wheat which has more substance and bite than cous cous. It has a slightly nutty flavour.