And this is where I slept - the Gran Chimu in Chimbote.
Not in this chair obviously. They had a bed to offer as well. But isn't it understandable that I was rather hesitant when I saw a location like this? Hence I didn't take at first. I left to try my luck elsewhere -
Two hours and countless dogfights with taxi drivers later, I remembered that I saw a hostal dos Delphinos on my way in. It was quite a distance from the center, but I have a car for a reason. When I arrived at the location I had a strange feeling already: a drive-in and a drive-out gate and a tower? Excessive need for security. But anyway the price was really ok, just 35 soles. The room had a strange odor to it, a jacuzzi, red lights and a paper towel dispenser at the wall. No doubt, I was stranded in a no-tell motel. This was crystal clear when the guy in the other suite finished his act. - Here I couldn't stay. Regardless the advanced hour and as tired as I was, I went to the reception to get my money back, which I got - to my surprise. Driving out the car port i saw how the go-boy checked the minibar.
My only other option now was the Gran Chimu. Form the outside it was quite impressive: it must have seen better days - back in the fifties or whenever linoleum was on vogue. But who builds a gran hotel with linoleum anyways? It looked like being run by a socialistic corporative - or run down for that matter. The sheets were fresh and the water was clear though. And when I opened the window a Pacific breeze blew away the faint smell of pee.
I took the snap of a maintenance room on my way out - quite thankful that I could have slept worse.
- comments
Reinhard Did you take this background photo as well? If so - where is it?
Reinhard Did you take this background photo as well? If so - where is it?
Tarek This room has a very rare quality: the dignified display of patina. (On a second thought one may want to check the water hardness with the local supplier.)
Tarek This room has a very rare quality: the dignified display of patina. (On a second thought one may want to check the water hardness with the local supplier.)
fitzgeraldo7 I can't see the background picture with my Iphone app, but I suppose it's Machu Picchu.
fitzgeraldo7 I can't see the background picture with my Iphone app, but I suppose it's Machu Picchu.