I came prepared to Chiclayo: Two hotels with a more or less precise description of their locations. So what could go wrong? Chiclayo is one of Peru's major cities, so it has a decent size. And yet I was all of a sudden on a dirt road section in the middle of the city - in proximity of the second hotel already. At a bottleneck due to a parking car i had to make an evasive move. And boom, the road sagged, the wheels were spinning, no progress in neither direction possible. I jumped out of car t o check the situation: the front wheel got stuck in a whole, with a loss stone slab behind it. Easy enough, I removed the slab, made sure that the other front wheel had better grip, removed all further obstacles, started the engine, set back et viola: free again. - After all this was a little self reinforcement exercise. - More things to come.
After all the driving up north at the coast line with basically zero inviting occasions for hiking or sight seeing I decided to change directions and head into the mountains: The province capital Cajamarca, location of a famous battle between Incas and conquistadores, would be my next aim.
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