The Chevy Dmax pickup truck is a not only a robust all terrain vehicle - even tough only rear wheel driven -, it's also a fun car - maybe because of that. I already expected it to perform well on dirt roads, it's home turf. And it's just amazing how it irons out the uneven surface. So no surprise in this department, but it just makes driving on these roads so much more relaxed, not have to watch the track argus-eyed for these axle fracture potholes or crossing fords without worrying to get stuck with a water flooded engine. A grade for the the Chevy, which is - it needs to be said - in fact an Isuzu, rebranded.
The fun however begins when the rear axle breaks out in sharp bends, which happens easily on gravel with a slight speed surplus. Now steer in the opposite direction, rear captured - a piece of cake. Toward the next, playing with the terrain, gas and steering. That pickup can fly! I had no idea how fun that is. So much so, that I could see myself making use of the rollover bar, down the slope, ending up in the river. I had to restrain myself. Well, a bit at least. But I actually can't remember, when I had that much fun for the last time.
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