My first day working at Palmar Tent Lodge and the streak of nice weather has been ruined, it's completely chucking it down with rain. Though not my preference, without the rainy spell Panama's ecosphere would be nowhere near as lush and amazing so a couple of days of rain is a small price to pay to stay in paradise. Everything and everyone …
Mexico is perhaps one of the most underrated jewels of the backpackers kingdom. Follow my journey from the south-west region of Guadalajara to the south-east coast and beyond.
My first day working at Palmar Tent Lodge and the streak of nice weather has been ruined, it's completely chucking it down with rain. Though not my preference, without the rainy spell Panama's…
In Puerto Viejo we were hit by the beginning of the rainy season which ended up reflecting both our moods and our impression of the place; everything seemed a little dull. However, lots of tra…
Bocas del Toro, just across the Panaman border, is a group of beautiful islands which perfectly represent Panama with great wildlife and gorgeous beaches. A group of us check into Aqualounge, …
From Monteverde we went to San Jose, stayed the night but arrived late and left early and saw barely any of the city. The next morning a load of us, Adam, Ianthe, James, Shayne, Lachie and I (…
Sandy Elliott
Dear Fiona, We continue to enjoy your blog and are thrilled to hear of the many wonderful experiences you are having and of the thrilling places you visit. You seem to meet such pleasing young folk. We now await your return in a couple of weeks and look forward to a visit after you have settled back. Much love from Pa and Grandma XX
Heidtraut, ja ich war gerade in isla mujeres. Das ist so schon da. Ich habe in eine Hostel geblieben, das heißt poc na hostel mit viele schöne Leute. Wir haben alle für meine Geburtstag am Strand gefeiert - super toll! Viele Grüße von Central America!
H. I am so sorry I missed your bday. Hope it was fun. I went to tikal in 1990 and have never forgotten the sounds of monkeys and coming across vegetation covered temples fighting off the encroaching forest. I went to top of pyramid 4 and although very queasy looked in awe at the view of temples emerging from the sea of green. How fantastic this experience is for you. I am so proud of you and happy that you are a traveller.
Sandy Elliott
Very dear Fiona, It's lovely to read of your adventures and we look forward to all you will have to tell when you get home. We are enjoying a British spring with some lovely weather. Very much love from Pa and Grandma xx.
Heidtraut Bringmann
Liebe Fiona,
ich weiß nicht, wo in Mexico Du gerade steckst. Bist Du vielleicht in Yucatan? Isla des mujeres kann ich empfehlen, die Insel ist klein und leicht überschaubar, nach ein paar Tagen kennen die Einwohner Dich und Du sie auch; da weniger Tourismus als auf der großen benachbarten. Wir wohnten in einem Hotel direkt am Strand. Die Sonnenuntergänge genossen wir. - Morgen hast Du Geburtstag. Meinen allerherzlichsten Glückwunsch! Wie feiert man solch einen Tag in Mexico? Party am Strand mit Musik? Bleib gesund und verführe nicht zu viele Mexikaner. All the best. Sei umarmt von Deiner Oma Heidtraut
Heidtraut Bringmann
Liebe Fiona, sicher fliegst Du in Mexico-City wieder ab. Sagt Dir die gelähmte mexikanische Malerin Frida Kahlo etwas? Sie lebte im Stadtteil Coyoacan mit ihrem Ehemann Diego Rivera im Blauen Haus. Auch Trotzki [im Exil] besuchte sie. Es ist heute ein Museum: Londres247/Allende Di-So 10-14 und 15-18 Uhr.
Sandy Elliott
Hi Fiona, Keep your messages coming for they are full of interest and it's lovely to hear of the friends you are making and the fun you enjoy. Be sure to get as much surfing as possible because there won't be much in Glasgow. Our news is that Shona got an unconditional to Edinburgh so there will be one of you in both cities. Here's lots of love Pa xx.
Heidtraut Bringmann
Liebe Fiona,
danke für die schönen Fotos; ich druckte sie als Erinnerung, besonders das lustige Foto Deiner Beine!! Genieße Deinen Aufenthalt weiterhin. Alles Liebe und ein dicker Kuss. Deine Oma Heidtraut
Alex Willoughby
Hey Fiona,
Mexico looks amazing I love the sun setting. It looks like a amazing place to spend some time. Hopefully I can go there when I am older.
Lots of love
Alex xxxx
lynnette H. I am so sorry I missed your bday. Hope it was fun. I went to tikal in 1990 and have never forgotten the sounds of monkeys and coming across vegetation covered temples fighting off the encroaching forest. I went to top of pyramid 4 and although very queasy looked in awe at the view of temples emerging from the sea of green. How fantastic this experience is for you. I am so proud of you and happy that you are a traveller.
re: Tikal, Flores, GuatemalaAlison Moody Enjoyed your vivid descriptions of your warm sunny cultural afternoon - lovely contrast to our rain, wind and flooding here!
re: Guadalajara, Mexico