Hello from Tulum, Mexico! We had a BRILLIANT time on the Isla Mujeres, best time ever! We had four days there, hired a golf cart as you already know and we snorkelled on the reef and saw some amazing wildlife. We then swam with dolphins! It was such brilliant fun!
After leaving the Isla Mujeres we travelled the two and a half hours to Tulum where we stayed in a cabaña right by the beach which was pretty much camping compared to the hotel we'd just come from which was a bit of a bump back down to earth! We stayed there for two nights, the hostel was right by the Sian Ka'an biosphera, a massive protected area which stretches nearly to Belize. Today we took a guided trip into the Biosphere on the lagoon by boat and then floating with life jackets down one of the natural canals to the ocean. This was brilliant fun but VERY scary as we had just seen a CROC minutes before hand but the guide assured us (there were only Tom and me on the trip!) that it was safe and the captain of the boat would keep an eye on us so I decided to be VERY brave and go in too. After much persuasion I may add!!
We also visited the Mayan site of Tulum which is the only one on the beach. The setting is beautiful and the only thing that rules the site now are the many iguanas!
We have moved hostels today to one in Tulum town so we can hopefully do a tour tomorrow to Chichen Itza as it was closed becuase of the influenza outbreak as were all of the ruins in Mexico until the 6th of May. We also missed out on Uxmal because of this :( If not then we will have one day one the beach here then we are heading to Belize this weekend so crossing the border shall be interesting to say the least. From a few days of snorkelling on the Caye in Belize then onto Guatemala.
Can't believe the date already! Less than two weeks until our flights leaves for Peru!
Hope everyone is good at home. Lots of love Fi & Tom xXx
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