A somewhat hectic metro journey to the Notre Dame Cathedral established a picturesque setting of historical architecture and opulent interior design as experienced during yesterday's visit to the Palace. After attending Mass, we were given the opportunity to climb to the bell tower which, according to Mr Mueller, was, "totes defs amazing." Aside from the long journey to the top, our journey back down was significantly better as emphasized through a rendition of 'Hey Soul Sister' and 'Im Yours'. Following the (vital) tasks of eating and shopping, a masterly quick uniform change and instrumental stacking display saw us head off to the Madeleine Church for an evening performance in which the band presented themselves astoundingly to receive a standing ovation. A second display of instrumental stacking and a great presentation of human-conveyor-belt-through-spiral-stairs enabled the band to set off to the Arch de Triomphe in lieu of participation in the daily ceremony. Once again, the band managed to present themselves to a very high standard. A big congratulations all around! Maddie
- comments
Toni King Hilarious post!
Jenni McDonald I can only imagine how well you all sounded at your performance in Madeleine Church and can only guess that the acoustics coming down the stairs at Notre Dame would have been awesome..Made Train & Jason Mraz very proud or cracked them or the other. Well done!
Leanne Irvin Well done everyone. Your journey continues to amaze us all at home. We are all so extremely proud and love seeing your adventures captured on this site.