Western Front Music Tour 2013
Hello everyone, today was a very emotional day for me, visiting my great, great, great uncle's grave and having a special service there. I had tears in my eyes as I played the Last Post, but I made it through. Thanks to Mr Mueller for his involvement and doing the reading. Thanks to Mr Hewerdine for all he has done to get us here. It is an experience we will remember all our lives. Lauren Folster
- comments
Mark & Judy Folster Well done Lauren, We're sooo proud of you!!! There's another message on the photo beside Uncle John's grave. Love you heaps, Mum & Dad
Jenni McDonald I had goosebumps reading your post Lauren, well done. I can only imagine how emotional it must have been for you. Give your room mate Maddie a cuddle for me, Maddie's mum x