Hi everyone
We are currently in Maiori on the Amalfi Coast.... Great place. Travelled to Positano for the day. What a wonderful area. Crazy traffic and lots of tourists but lovely to see. Ceramics, linen and of course the lemoncello. Mountains on one side and the sea on the other. Steep - very steep.. Wayne and I seem to drift into a restaurant or bar and have a bite to eat and a drink and then set off looking around. Haven't bought much - don't really have the need for much ..but I am trying to purchase something from the rememberable moments. Off out for dinner with the our director and some of the guest to a quant restaurant she knows.... She hasn't failed us yet. The girl is a very vibrant Italian as you can imagine - all hands and dramatic gestures.. Love to all. xxxxx
- comments
Aaron wow, great photo. looks like it'd be pretty hard to take a bad picture anywhere there.