My future residence. you'll have to check out pictures to see this castle. we overnighted from Sweden down to Munich and jumped on a train to Fussen, where the "Disney Castle" is....quite a sight, set deep in the side of a mountain, and colourful. crazy king ludwig was rachel's age when he decided he wanted his fantasy castle which eventually inspired the disney castle.
the pigeon. we were not really paying attention to the time when we realized our train was to leave in a few minutes to fussen, next one being an hour away. so we had to book it with hot chocolates in hand and run to our platform to jump on our train. luckily at this point, we had borrowed backpacks and ditched our "little" red suit cases at Home Base 1 (see: Herne, Germany) so we were much more able to be doing what real backpackers do. rachel had a lid on her chocolate of the hot, so i was trailing behind dropping every bit of drink on my hand. trying to keep up, i look up just to see the funniest thing i've ever seen, i guess since rachel stepped in Sh*t in barcelona (a must read)...rachel is booking it with a pigeon in her path, and she was running with wreckless abandon, and instead of dodging the bird, she challenges it and the bird just TAKES off on a solid 45 degree angle straight to the left right in the direction of a man in a business suit...the bird's flying so fast that he has to drop everything and hit the deck before the bird nails him in the face and all i hear out of rachel, in loud english is "SORRY!" and keeps running for the train. i'm almost peeing my pants laughing, but we made the train, and made it to our castle.
we bought cute little hats for my new born cousins, which you'll be able to view in our photo album. we drank gluwhein (hot red wine) on the way down the hill and kept our souvenir cups to remember neuschwenstein castle...or however you spell it. i just told rach we should think about moving in
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