Hey guys,
Thank you so much for the birthday messages and stuff, they were greatly appreciated, also, to those who gave me a card to take with me, you'll be glad to know i didn't open them til today, they were lovely thank you so much.
well, birthdays when you're travelling alone is kinda weird. I've always thought they're what you make of them but when you're not surrounded by your loved ones then it just feels like another day really. Casey and Judy have both gone, Charlotte from the tour is still here, and I have a new room mate called Rosemary who is very nice.
The locals tell you not to walk around here alone at night, and to catch a taxi anywhere you go once it's dark, I went to the local bar on tuesday with the guys from the tour, and it was great but i didn't really fancy goin again tonight, truth be told, I don't really relax easily surrounded by strangers in a place i don't know at all, and so it isn't like i can get drunk and not worry about getting home. The guy on reception (who's really friendly and cool) invited me out, which i considered, but then he asked me what i was into- i naively said i didn't mind, just chatting over a pint or a bottle of wine, he corrected me with 'no no, what substances are you into?'! Suffice to say i thnaked him for his invite but politely declined.
I was sooooo pleased when Rosemary walked into the room and we started chatting- she's nearly 44 and has been, from what i can make out, pretty much everywhere, including working in the middle east, travelling india, china, south america, everywhere. So tonight we're going for a pizza (my favourite) at the local pizza hut with charlotte from the tour.
This morning Rosemary and I walked about 10km to the local telegraph station along the 'river' (no completely dried up) and then up to Anzac Hill which gave us an impressive view of Alice Springs. We came back and i chilled out by the pool. It was nice.
So that's pretty much it, not really what birthdays are cracked up to be, but im not complaining, i've loved the messages you've sent me, and am enjoying the laziness before i move onto cairns on monday.
See you later!
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