Right then, better fill you in since the last blog. As I write I am in Alice Springs, I got the plane today and it only took 2 hours. From the airport to the hostel, from what I could see, the surrounding area seems more interesting than Darwin- there are mountains and hills which look beautiful.
anyway, so since we last spoke- or since i last wrote anything, i've done a few things such as the Deckchair cinema- it was brill! We sat out under the stars in deck chairs that were really comfy, watching a film/documentary about an aboriginal ceremony called 'in my fathers country' or something. The evening before cerise had gone with our room mate and they'd watched mamma mia, which i would have preferred but this was good. Bats flew above our heads and the air was lovely and still. Unfortunately, i was so comfy i fell asleep for about 40 mins which meant i only saw half an hour, but never mind! Deckchair cinemas would be great in england, apart from the weather and it goin so cool at night.
Anyway, so now here I am in Alice Springs. Tomorrow I'm going to explore a bit then book up a tour, probably the 3 day one that will take me to ayers rock, kings canyon and the olgas or similar. Just spoken to a guy who came back today from a 3 day tour like that and he said it was amazing, he didn't have the words to describe it.
my hostel is a YHA hostel and although basic, seems very nice. The guy on reception was uber-friendly but not in an annoying way. He's recommended the tour i want to do and invited me out because a load of them are going for a few drinks. Might wait for another night tho- when I know where I am and how to get home in the dark!
Unfortunately,when putting the new photos i put up the other day, i left my memory card in the computer and some blighter walked off with it. Luckily at the start of my trip i didn't have many photos on it but it was a good one so i was really gutted. Have got a new one now luckily!
Mum and dad, glad you're having fun, well done on the email (check you 2 out with ur technological know-how!) looking forward to speaking to you next saturday.
Well, not much in this one it seems, will have a new adventure waiting for you very soon I promise!
P.P.S nick will find out bout a digeridoo, i think very pricey cuz of packaging etc but will let you know
Loadsa love xxxxxxx
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