Emily's Trip
hey everyone!!!
i'm jumping a bit now from nomad to this but i thought i'll get all this down - nomad is all in my written journal so i'll keep transfering that when i get time so keep an eye out!!!
yesterday having spent a day and a half in a truck with 6 guys i arrived in joburg where gray organised for me to stay in the hostel they use for that night... was a really nice place - we watched henman go out against federer :o( ah well, you cant always expect miricles!
the journey from vic falls had actually been quite fun: gray, patrick and ferdi and such jokers they really are and so caring they'll look after you so well so it was a very comfy relaxed day and a bit and when my airport transfer arrived to take me away it was pretty emotional saying goodbye to everyone knowing i'll never see them again - after all they really were my family for 2 weeks!
anyhow i got to the airport with quite a bit of time to spare and i got on my plane without any probs which was fab. a quick 1 and a half hour flight later and there i was in port elizabeth.
i was all booked in to jikeleza lodge and i very quickly found a registered taxi to take me there... these backpackers are all so great they just seem to automatically know who you are and show you around with such enthusiasm and everything. after my flight though i was pretty shattered and i knew that the BB came at 6.45/7 so i slithered off to bed pretty early.
so this morning i was all packed and ready and the colourful BB pulled up outside and on i hopped - was pretty empty... were only 3 other people on it but i didnt mind in the slightest! was therefore nice and relaxing! we passed through jeffreys bay and storms river and although we didnt stop i could see the views out the window and it really was quite stunning and i wish i could see it all but unfortunately thats not possible so i'll make do with the lovely views!!!
i arrived at albergo's which is the hostel i'm staying at for the next few days and again i was taken straight in with such warmth and energy it was amazing... was shown my room and the way around and the place seems really nice: theres a gorgeous view from my room of the bay and the surrounding mountains which at the moment is all very misty and hazy making it look very eery and stunning in a very mysterious way!
the couple who run the hostel are mirijam and leslie who both seem lovely, so enthusiastic and competant! for example i arrived about half an hour ago and told them my situation and what i liked the sound of and already i'm booked to do an abseil at 2 oclock!!! so i have a feeling i wont be stuck to find things to do with them... should be a wicked couple of days!!!
i'll probably update this entry more after the abseil and tell you all about it lol... ;o)
miss you all lots and cant wait to see you!
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