So on Sat 13th and Sunday 14th I wandered around the city with Rasheeda my new American friend.
We first went to the Inuit Art Gallerym, that was randomly in a office building, but was free and had loads of sculptures.
We found a parade celebrating India's independence Day and then an afternoon of dance shows of traditional dancing from around india, some alot better than others!! On the way back to the hostel was saw a dance show celebrating Equador's Independence Day too- not as good though.
That night we went on the hostel organised pub crawl, with me pre-drinking the wine that I bought in Niagara (pretty nice!) Random event of the day, aussie girl Tamara that came out with us, decided that she didn't have time to do here hair so pull a dark wig out of her bag and says "guess i'll just be a brunette tonight, call me Stephanie" !!!
First stop was a bar that was soley created by putting a roof between two building- true alley drinking! Next was a kareoke bar- that I was sharp happy to get out of! Last was a club that played some of the most random collection of music possible- including the carlton dance song and the theme tune to fresh prince- however when I asked if they would play Tinie Tempah he told me he wasn't allowed to play good music!
Just before leaving I bumped into 2 people I met on my Kiwi bus! It really is a small world!
On the sunday, feeling considerably hungover myself and Rasheeda has a wander around the city and then headed back to the square to see if there was anythnig free on. There was- a free African dance festival, also pretty cool.
Quote of the day (possibly even trip so far):
Rasheeda: (looking at a $20 bill) I wonder who this woman is on the bill
Emma: does it not say her name
Rasheeda: Nope
Emma: (looking at the bill) erm Rasheeda, thats the queen!!
Americans! ;o)
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