Still in Childers....but loving it!! We have met some really nice people and due to the weather everyone has been of work for most of this week so we have lots of time in which we have to entertain ourselves.
The hostel is pretty much 24 hours. I went to bed fairly early the other night as I had to leave for work at 4am and when I got up and sat and had my breakfast I was still part of the drunken night that had been going on whilst I slept.
Met a guy called Chaz who is walking entertainment. He kept us occupied with his insane stories, crazy songs, a huge array of circus tricks and, at night, fire juggling!! Ace! We have a pool here and I have spent a lot of time in there playing with my underwater camera and playing catch which when you drop it you have to do a belly flop! Not good for those people with sunburn after they fell asleep outside in the early hours of the morning.
I have been to work twice this week and on the second day got 26 buckets which is the most I have managed so far, although I am still miles off earning minimum wage for it which sucks. Hoping to get another job as soon as. They were offering one days work at a fish farm the other day which involved trawling a large net through a lake with some people pulling it from the banks and some people swimming through the water with the net. I was well up for it and it is really well paid too. However I was told that 'they don't "do" girls'. It is so incredibly sexist and racist where we are, they are so backwards here. They initially offered the job to Dave who is not a particularly strong swimmer and also wears glasses and so would not be able to see too well in the water....absolute joke!!! I was (and i think still am) very annoyed!!!
I have become the Sugar Bowl haridresser within the last week. Amy asked my to cut her hair and following that I have had loads of people asking for haircuts. If I was charging I wouldn't actually need to go to work at all!!!
Tuesday the boys all went off to Bundaberg, which is nearly an hours drive, to have a McDonalds first and then bought back dominos pizzas for everyone. It was awesome and as it was on a tuesday everything is way cheaper and so large pizzas were only $5 (less than 3 pounds).
As you can probably tell, there is not too much exciting news from Childers but I am loving it here!!!
- comments
Zaaa! hey em!! this all sounds very exciting!! i wish i was out there! but now i know their racist! im defo not coming lol i don't do uncomftable holidays! Anywizzle i wont say too much, as i am in the middle of writting you a letter! however im just wondering! will you still be there by the time my letter gets ther? i oly got yours the other day! :s lots of love, well wishings, and blessings! (even to the racist and sexcist! lol) x x xx
Anette and Henning I've read trough all the comments on your blog and I noticed everyone in England mentioning the cold weather. I just want to tell you that we've had weeks of real "cold weather" talking -15C to -20C - that's cold!!! Now it's spring, only -7C :-)))))) Enjoy the heat!!!
Nanny & Eddie Despite what they say in Norway It has been -20 here the coldest in the Midlands has been Pinvin.They manage to deal with it better than we do.What are you picking at the moment tomatoes or lemons.I am still unable to drive my car which is a nuisance having to be dependant on being taken where I want to go.Could do with you as my chauffeur When you go off to N.Z. I will give you the address and telephone number of our friendin Christchurch , then if you want you will be able to contact her.It will be much cooler weather there.Very little news to tell you from here its good to hear what you are doing and so pleased you are enjoying it Love from us both and Megan of course. xxxxx