The Blue Mountains was ace, although (yet again) the cloud had fallen over the mountains and so we got some views but not all of them! The Blue Mountains has cloud cover around 50% of the time, therefore we firgured as we had it so wet and cloudy last time, the probability suggested it shoudl be nice this wrong we were! There were people on the bus with us wearing dainty leather shoes, one lady was in a dress, flip flops, etc and so many people were in a right state by the end of the day! On the walk I got a leech on my leg but fortunately was quick enough to shout, scream and slap it a few times that I got it off easily. However at the end of the walk one of the guys found a HUGE leech on his leg, sucking his blood and I have a video recording of the tour guide bruing it with a lighter to make it let go, it was pretty horrific!!!
Once we were back from our day out we had to shower, eat and change and then get onto the bus. We had a 25 hour bus journey from Sydney up to Childers, stopping in Brisbane for an hour! Fortunately we slept the first 11 hours of it quite easily because we were so tired after the blue mountains. It was a very long journey but we had plenty of sandwiches to get us through! We arrived at 10:30 thrusday evening however when we had contacted the hostel they had told us the check in office closed at 8pm and as there was no other bus to Childers there wasn't much we could do. However in Sydney we happened to find a tent underneath my bed that someone had just left, so the lady in Childers told us to camp on the front lawn when we arrived and then we could check-in in the morning.
So lastnight we arrived, all very tired and stiff from being in the bus for so long, with a tent that we had no idea if it was whole and in the dark. We managed to assemble the tent and then got our bags inside, which pretty much took up most the room in the tent. So we had to stack the bags up and try to lie between them, without any sleeping bags or covers, squashed in like sardines. The space was so small Dave even managed to kick me in the face!! Fortunately it was just for one night and we have now checked into our, very nice, 3 bed bunkhouse. But needless to say last night was a very interesting night and none of us slept particularly well!!! We are now in Childers for a few weeks, to work and earn some money before moving on. Seems like a nice place, although fairly isolated but its good to be out of the hussle and bussle of the city!!!!
Hope your all well and I am loving recieving your messages.
Ohh and that I am in Queensland (they opted out of daylight saving) so our time difference is now GMT+10.
Much love xxxx
- comments
Arntee Elaine Hi Emma Sounds as though you are having a smashing time with your fair share of adventure. Blood sucking leech's.....videoing it...!!! Not my cup of tea at all. is the picture by your blog of the Blue Mountains? It all looks awsome. 25 hrs on a bus doesn't sound that much fun. Hope you all find yourselves some work, look forward to hearing what that will be. Take Care and Enjoy. Lots of Love Arntee Elaine, Uncle Trevor and the doggie peoplexxxxx
Marilyn Hi Em, sounds like fun and I am so envious of the warm weather. I have been splitting & replanting snowdrops in the snow today & it was freezing. Just had to bury a dead fox I found in the grounds, been attacked by dogs poor thing & froze to death rather than take the scent back to the den. Hope you have found some work so you can add to your coffers. Just about to make a n9ice roast dinner, I know it's your favourite so will think of you whist I eat it! lots of love M X
Mum It's great to see the photos; you're looking very well. What a lovely life!! Sharing a small tent with Amy and Dave looks challenging! I hope that you find some more work once the rain stops. Though it could put you off tomatoes for ever. Have fun! Lots and lots of love and hugs to you xxxxxxxx
Nanny Helllo dear Its great to be able to make contact with you up to date.It is so cold here at the moment could do with some of your sunshine.Not a lot of news here at the moment spending most of my time at the physios Lots of love to you fromus both xxxxx.