I arrived here on Saturday, again with nowhere to stay. Once I got off the ferry, loads of people were there asking if people needed taxis so I went with one that was going up to Haad Yao in the north east of the island, as that's where I'd been looking at to stay. There were two German girls who were heading up there too, and I ended up looking for somewhere to stay with them. Everywhere down on the beach was either too expensive, or cheap - but a complete hovel, so we looked further up from the beach across the road and found JB Huts. You got a lot more for your money, due to it not being on the beach, so I splashed out and got a bungalow with hot water!! Not that I need it in this heat but it's nice to have the option.
That night, the two German girls said they were going into town to get something to eat with some German lads who were staying at JB as well, and asked if I wanted to come. It was nice of them to ask so I went. Only when the taxi pulled up and I got out did I realise we were actually going to Haad Rin, in the South. This is where the full moon parties are held, and I had visions of being dragged round some club until God knows what time, not being able to leave because I couldn't afford the taxi back up to Haad Yao. It didn't turn out like that thankfully. We went for something to eat, and then went onto the beach where lots of tables were set out with little stalls selling buckets of alcohol. There were fire dancers, and a big skipping rope of fire that drunk people were trying and failing to jump. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be - it was also pretty quiet, as the full moon party was only last week so everyone had already left. At about midnight, one of the German girls felt ill so we left the lads and got a taxi back. It was an OK night, would have been better if the Germans had spoken English and not German the whole time, but what did I expect? I'm gald I went, as I wouldn't have gone down to Haad Rin on my own accord, so at least I can say I've seen it.
The weather's been pretty rubbish, not cold, just dull and rainy, hence the lack of photographs, and there isn't really anything to do here unless you hire a motorbike. Given my current motorbike related injury, and the fact that it would be just my luck if I ended up killing myself or someone else, I passed on that idea. Mostly all of my days have been spent in the hammock on my balcony reading, with the odd trip to the beach to use the internet. Apparently the beach here is one of the best on the island after Haad Rin, but I suppose that depends on what you think makes a good beach. I like my beaches to be quite small, with trees. This is just really long and doesn't have any character. The sand is really fine and soft though - I'll give it that.
It's my last night tonight then it's off to my last island, Ko Samui, tomorrow.
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