Our stay at the silver river was really nice and we were well rested for the flight back! Smooth quick flight and we touched down in thailand at about 5 o clock. We then jumped in a taxi to the rail station in order to get to Chaing Mai. It took quite a while due to friday traffic! (micheal macintyre is right... its a nightmare!!)
However we arrived at the station to be bombarded with people and found that the train was booked til sunday! or one of us could go!! (would of been me!) lol We panicked slightly and they asked about flying, we considered this but again were told it was booked until sunday because of the elections (which we thought were over!) Our final option was a bus which we jumped at when we found we could do it tomorrow! So we are stuck in Bangkok for a night but we are staying by the station for the 8.30am bus!
We are still also a bit ill and are taking food with precaution but have our fingers crossed as we want some thai food!!
So in short; still ill, still peeling and still in bangkok!!
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