Well we have picked up the campervan now and doing really well with the driving. The roads are so wide (we are travelling down the Bruce Highway the whole way which is just a great name) and empty it's amazing and we have allr eady got mucyh further than we thought. Pulling out of the rental place was a little embarassing as I had not quite got the hang of the automatic but now I don't know why I ever bothered with the gear stick!!
First night trying to find a camp site in the pouring rain and pitch black was pretty stressful so we ended up going for a rest stop on thew side of the road which at least had some toilets and lots of people around so pretty safe!
Everything is quite compact as we got a smaller one but all pretty new and we have a little dvd player in there which is nice at night! The back also opens up with a small tent attached to give us a bit of air and make the sleeping bit bigger!
I woke up this morning to 53 bites on my feet and legs so am looking pretrty dieased right now and feeling pretty sorry for myself to be honest- wearing linen trousers to try and cover them! We have now been to Woolworths to but the strongest repellent and bug killer we could find!
Thanks for all your messages over the last few days. Glad to hear everyone had had a good bank holiday weekend and most of the time the weather wad good. We went to the highest wtarefall in Australia yesterday and finally saw a kangaroo and some crazy cows in the road which we had to sit and wait for. We then proceeded to sit in the rain in our macs (yes we are using them!) and felt very much like we were having a british bank holiday!! Mum and Aunty B you would have been proud of how well we now picnic in the rain - we obviously learnt from the best :)
Right my time is running out and this place is very expensive!!
Love to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
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