Hey to all,
Well we just realised it has been a while since we sat down and updated the blog so here goes...
We arrived in Hervey Bay about 5 days ago and decided we had been doing quite a lot of travelling so we hung around for a few days there.
On day 1 we hired bikes to travel along the 18km bikepath around the beach in what we hoped would be a leisurely style. Unfortunately, it is the law here that you wear a helmet. The bike seat was more uncomfortable then simply pbeing hit in the back side with a hammer over and over again and it started chucking it down with rain when we were at the half way point where there was no way of going back without getting drenched!! We did however find a very sweet waterside cafe/old peoples home and had afternoon scone and jam to keep us going.
We then decided to venture to the local cinema to keep out of the rain and watched night at the museum 2 - we would HIGHLY recommend it as was the kind of funny where you pee a little bit!! The cinema was like something from the 80's with about 10 of us there in total and we all had to sit on big seats outside until we were called into our film!
Next day we pretty much mooched around. Wwent looking for rainbow beach which on the map was just down the road. After haf an hour of driving we spotted a sign saying it was still 92km away so gave up and came back. i also turned 22 which was pretty exciting (mainly for Emma who I have discovered loves birthdays!) I had banner round the van when I got back from the loo in the morning and a lovely birthday table cloth. Break fast was slightly problematic as the milk had turned to yoghurt but hey, it's the thought that counts!! Thanks to everyone for all my cards and money, was lovely to hear from you all:)
For a treat that night we went out to a lovely bar down by the sea as it was 10 dollar steak night (about 5 pounds) We know how to have a good time I can tell ya - it was amazing though and I then had sticky toffee pudding (Delyth, this was not as good as Citrus but a bit lighter than Browns so pretty high up there)
We then went on a 2 day tour to Fraser Island which is made entirely of sand and was really good fun. There were only 5 of us on the tour but the other 3 were lovely and we are meeting up with Alise in Sydney as she lives there so that's handy!! It was a 4wd tour across some seriously rough sand so we were all in quite a lot of pain by the end!! Our tour guide Fritz was very sweet bless him and me and Emma could practcially write botanists on our CV now. I will tell you all about melalukah and scribbly gum on my return...wait with the breath that is baited!!
Finally went to Noosa yesterday, saw another "big thing" this time a pineapple!! Noosa is like a very posh beach resort so we didn't stay long! We then travelled up 500m to a beautfiul little town called Montville which is meant to be a little slice of England in Australia. It has little stone cottages, fudge shops and devonshrie cream teas. Watched the sunset half way down and the views were really stunning. Also spent ages trying out new arty shots since we are learning about the settings on our cameras - am a big fan of black and white and sepia now (it's the simple things)
Now in Brisbane - very lovely city and bought my first birthday present to myself!! Off to Ipswich tomorrow!!!!! I am bored writing this so can't imagine how you all feel - will catch you all soon.
Much love
Em xxx
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