Hey to all!!
Before I start on activities.. you will be pleased to know the bites have pretty much faded away now. I ended up havign to get super strength stuff from the chemist as they turned out not have come from the bed but some tropical insects at the beautfiul waterfall i decided to wander round in my shorts!
Well we have had a very eventful and holy few days!! We have travelled quite a long way down the coast as a huge area of this region is a military training ground and we can't go in it. We managed yesterday morning to get into Rockhampton 9with the help of Uncle Donald) and arrived at the sunday morning meeting only 5 minutes late!!
Turns out the army here is pretty much the same as at home. We were accosted by the officers daughter Leah and her family and invited to their open air in the park and then for tea. Pretty chuffed with this offer we were then told it was their sons 21st birthday party but we were still very welcome.
We went and watched the band and timbrels in the park which was absolutely packed with kids and families and then went over the the botanical gardens and zoo for a while where we got to touch our first Koala!!
Finall we crashed Dans party and had a proper oz bbq - although sadly no shrimp!! Within a few hours it felt like we had known them for years and we ended up staying the night with the invitation to come any time we want. Leah is actually coming to England on her own for a few months in November so we are going to show her what cold really is. It's the congress in Sydney this weekend and they were all discussing taking slippers and fleeces despite the temp being about 18 degrees at the moment :) I think we have both been really insipred by them as a family and it was a really unforgettable experience.
We are now making our way down to Hervey Bay and hopefully going ona trip over to Fraser Island which is supposed to be absolutely beautiful!!
Glad everyone enjoyed their weekend weather - although I must agree with Bram, I no longer consider 23 degrees hot!!
Love to everyone
Em xx
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