Back in Chiang Mai now after 2 days trek in the forests north of the city. been a busy two days, we managed to cram in visiting a long neck village...hiking for a few hours up hill ahh that was tiring in the heat...saw some caves and waterfall...went on an elephant ride. ours managed to eat everything we passed and then towards the end stopped and passed everything it had eaten!! we managed to capture that on film, lovely.
in the night we stayed in a bamboo hut in a village entirely made of bamboo, its really nice to sleep on, hardly needed a mattress. had the joy of trekking more then next day, but it was alot easier mostly flat and down hill. in the afternoon it was white water rafting ( no grade 5 like in NZ but still funny) the river is really low as its been so hot (46 degrees !!!) sooo we kept getting stuck on the rapids. did manage to get to the bottom where we transfered onto a bamboo raft and just gently floated downstream. nice end to a busy two days.
the massage course was interesting.. only did two days in the end, my back was killing after having to be bent over all the time. very different way of massage compared to western style. you kick them and dig your elbows into them etc etc..
well now thats all over, oh yeah forgot to mention my parents arrived before and they came on the trek with us. we spent a night at a traditional thai dancing evening. sort of meal and dance included. showed all the different tribes dances and very screachy music, like cats drowning! dancing good but the music dear god.
catching the plane down to Phuket next to go do our PADI scuba diving course cant wait
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