Just dropping in to say 'hello'. You look to be having such a great time, the photos are fantastic..! We are still drying out from the 'rainy' season here in Huddersfield, we are braving Mablethorpe next week, there's a blast from the past for your Mum and Dad! James is staying with us as he recovers from shoulder surgery. I've challenged the engineers here to come with a clever invention to help a one armed man to eat his boiled eggs!? Everyone else fine and happy.
Love to you both xxxx Veronica xxxxx
Keith And Girls
Hi Emma
Well the BBQ was a washout but we played monopoly instead! bring back any memories. I'm not picking my emails up at work of course because i,m on hols so just thought i would give you a quick message from dads - i,ll get my home one up and running as quick as i can. I dont want to miss any of your challenges - i,ve been a little too soft with you recently. I need a picture of you with a sambreo hatand a poncho(no need for the guitar) please! Anyway we are going to attempt the garden games again today its still dull but not raining yet. Everyone sends lots of kisses - stay safe be careful love mklb xxxx
To euey&all
O MY GOD it must be the first time you have been on the web page, its good to see you know what a computer is after all (only joking), its good to hear from you i hope you and rob kick shell and keith butt, my money is on leah and bethany beating you all!!!! hope you all have a great day wish i could be there but having too much fun seeing all the amazing things of the world, we are going to cusco on monday and from there we are going on to maccu piccu, dad will be gutted cause in 2 years they are closing it to tourists so he will have to go soon if he wants to see it, anyway must go have a fab weekend miss you all sending my love :-)
p.s give the girls a big kiss from auntie emma
just at mum and dads so i thought i would send you a quick message and say hi. Just been looking through your photos they look amazing, so jealous. Good to see that the duck is continuing its travels with you both. I finished reading harry potter last week its really good and quite sad, mums devastated! You will have to try and pick it up when you go back to the states you'll have it finished in a few days. Well we're just waiting for shell to come over so we can thrash her at badmington... dad's made proper poles for the nets... shame your not here. Anyway i hope you both continue to have fun and keep the pictures coming. love you and see you soon xxxx eueyx
Your photos are great. You must be having an amazing time. It's great to be able to keep track of where you are and what you're doing. I'm very jealous sitting here in the rain in Edinburgh. Take care XX
Hi Emma/Ali
Looks like things seem to get better and better as your trip continues, wild life and views are great (soon i will be able to create my very own Discovery programme)just got back from Singapore and Bali (had fun with the visa for bali but will tell you that story later!!!) let me know what you want to do with your new bank card in plenty of time for when you get back to the USA.
Hi Em
Just got back from hols, had a great time in Bali when we eventually got there. weather hot but was very cloudy, it rained nearly every day we was in Singapore. Just like being at home, its absolutely Peeing it down today. Nearly got some more holiday brochures but I thought dad's wallet needed a rest before planning the next trip. Annual barbi this weekend looks like being a wash out might have to have one of dad's indians instead. Your dad has had some badminton posts made, Michelle's bringing the net and bats, only the race track to sort out and we are up and running. He is even trying to get some peddles done so Leah can have a ride, hope she knows the youngest goes last. Just seen all the photo's they are absolutely amazing, keep them coming. Just finished Harry Potter try to get hold of it if you can it's brilliant. Even dad has read it. Anyway got to go talk to you soon. Dad send's his love. Love and Kisses Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Ali, hows you?
i love the photos they are great.My flat goes on the market on the 8th of August, and i get a new carpet for the living room on monday :)
I cant wait to get out of Oxgangs, someone was stabbed nest door, i was peaking out the window when the police came. How soul destroying this horrible place is.....oh well, i"ll be away soon. am going to a wedding on saturday someone form uni (i found the dress for her) so that will be fun. Funny story.....i had been speaking on the phone to tim (he is on a course) when his money ran out, we had nearly finished the conversation so it was fine. so i went back to painting the kitchen. i was deeply involved in the painting and had paint on my hands, and the paint pot was on the floor. earlier on in the day i had phoned several places about jobs and was waiting for them to get back to me. so when the phone rang in my haste to answer it i managed to step in the pot of paint in the kitchen with one foot, and then get my other foot hooked in the handle of a shopping bag i had not yet put away, then very quickly took my foot out of the paint pot and managed to stand on the end of the bag that my other foot was trapped in while movving very quickly i fell marowly missing ben-well you can imagine the scene of chaos, however i managed to get to the phone by scrambling on my knees, and it was only tim saying goodbye!!!!!!
hope that made you giggle!! that just about sums everything up at the mo!!!!!!
Love you lots and miss you millions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi there, thanks for all the messages just to let you all know we have put a new postcard on with a message for you all. hope you are all enjoying the lovely summer over there ....................... xxx
Keith And The Girls
Hi Girls sorry we havent sent a message for a while but it has been crazy with the house move. Its beautiful well constructed and dressed up by the moving gang - can,t wait for you to see it. It was great to talk to you for a sec on your birthday made mums night! The school holidays approach so things should quieten down now. Anyway back to you the photos are great as usually at times i was getting lost whether you were in a hot or cold place. As for the challenges 1) would have been to find the abominal snowman so i guess a normal one will have to do 2) would have been a cowboy in the desert so i guess the 600yr old dead guy will have to do !!!! I need your next location so i can set the next task also i was a bit disappointed to see the duck has not risen for a while.
Anyway keep exploring keep safe we will try to contact you soon dads annual summer games/BBQ is in 2 weeksi,m sure there will be lots to tell then
keith sends a kiss and leah and bethany send a kiss, hug and keep asking where you are
lots of love xxxxxxxxx
Hi Ali - Good to hear from you and catch up on what you have been doing. The photos are amazing. How do you get them all onto photobox?? Surely you have run out of space. We are fine here. Had a lovely holiday - did I send you any photos?? Really relaxing and chilled out. Tant is working hard and trying to get this house sorted before the baby comes along. He still has plenty of time but Sams room is still just a shell (although it does have skirting boeards on now)!! Sam is sweet although is obsessed with trains which is becoming quite boring!!! Everywhere we go he spots a 'choo choo' whether its on a birthday card, an advert for something, packaging for spaghetti hoops, a t-shirt!!! And then gets dead stroppy when I won't buy it for him! I am feeling well although cannot believe I am already 7 months. Getting a bit fat and have heart burn but otherwise feel good and figure I am getting away with it quite nicely. Anyway thats my interesting life summed up in a few lines!! Keep well and happy. So pleased to hear about all the fun you are having. Thinking of you lots.
Love Kirst xxx
hi all
Thanks for all my birthday message again kept all the meesage and e mail coming, just to let you know we have put some more photos on, hope you are all well we are still having a great time but miss you all em&ali